Projects maintaing stability & value

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Projects: Maintaining stability & value

A collection of projects which maintains stability and a good sense of value

Aim Higher

Aim higher and to move on from seeking acceptance and to improve standards and ability.

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Selected project elements

Valuing Autism

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to value an Autistic Person

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Valuing ADHD

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to value an ADHD Person

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Valuing Dyslexia

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to value a Dyslexic Person

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Valuing Dyspraxia

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to value an Dyspraxic Person

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Valuing Multicultural Differences

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Vauling Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to value hidden differences from a Multicultural background

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Dignity Respected

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to respect dignity and human rights

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Not tight boxed

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding against typecasting

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Natural and Authentic

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to respect a person's request to live naturally without being compromised

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to respect a person with hidden differences adjustments

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Valuing Hidden Differences

To improve understanding and to respect a person's ability to express their experences and thoughts

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