Hidden Differences summary

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Understanding hidden differences
The words "Hidden Differences " is a description used for this initiative is related to Independent people in society who make appear to look no different from the rest of society but may have slight differences to their ability & qualities level. This can lead to boundaries on certain skills most people taken for granted. 

Because their difficulties is not visually obvious when others made initial contact with them they do face obstacles along with misperceived attitudes against them including being constantly disbelieved on their expressions, life experiences and perspectives. They can be wrongly labeled as lazy or liars with poor concise knowledge or any form of understanding on the harm this kind of attitudes it may cause.
Difficulties Examples
The examples of associated conditions including mild or moderate levels of a number of different learning & phycological related conditions including high functioning Autism & Asperger Syndrome, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Social Anxiety and ADHD
On the spot ability & memory
Difficulty in focusing on one task
Memory (including Short-term memory, processing information accurately and memorising several tasks in order)
Understanding minute details
Organising/Taking / Completing a single or or a series of tasks
Organising times & deadlines
Anxiety (including social anxiety & anxiety attack)

It is important to be much more aware of persons limitation with on the spot  ability & coping mechanisms.
Physical appearance & actions
Physical clumsiness
Difficulties of walking straight
Difficulties in physical tasks
Social Interactions
Modified levels of Speech
Emotion recognition
Lower verbal reasoning
Reading, writing & calculation
Spelling, reading
Phonological processing (The manipulation of words)

The other difficulty examples mentioned on this page can also affect skills on reading, writing and calculation skills in Mathermatics.
Its not about labels
There are also many other people who don't have any sort of diagnosis also have sight minor difficulties or their ability and qualities and they also face their life obstacles.

Moving forward
The plus value awareness is about promoting a sense of value for everyone It doesn't matter what differences of abilities & you have. Also to challenge the ignorance and the prejudice which hinder anyones sense of value. 

Obstacles defined with associated conditions 
It is very important to be aware that many people with hidden differences will choose not to be defined or limit who they share the associated conditions or any specific difficulties they have due to negative attitudes, stigma, at risk being typecasted. In addition defined by the associated can mean they can be accused of lacking self pride and it can also cause harm for any life opportunities, prospects and potential face hostile conflict just for simply sharing. 

Even though these examples are related to phycological & learning related conditions please note this initiative focuses more on the human aspects and real life experiences and will not defined or address any topics on the medical aspects alone.
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