Main points
To move forward in life you must aim higher beyond what you expected to achieve the following:
1 Dignity
Exercising your dignity and human rights fairly and smartly but must be combined with your responsibility & obligations. Also, it is important not to go excessively when exercising your rights otherwise you could be perceived as disruptive, a nuisance and inconsiderate to others.
2 Integration & inclusion
You must not be too much defined by your condition or limit your surrounding to similar people like you. You must take regular responsibility to gain and to maintain contacts or some sort of friendship or relationship with different types of society.
Make special efforts with any relationship or friendship you have is essential for them on occasions to maintain their appreciation to you. You must manage how your difficulties affect you smartly, otherwise, others use your difficulties to misperceive you negatively, therefore you could lose creditability and be quickly excluded and alienated.
3 Represented
To be well represented you must able to connect and relate to different types of people at the same time raise your living standards in your abilities tastes and lifestyle to avoid being misrepresented. If you need to enable others to understand you better, be cautious to who & how your share your difficulties or your life experiences otherwise you could be automatically discredited especially if the other person has their lives & circumstances greater than yours. You must think carefully about how you share your feelings and experiences to avoid being toxic or a nuisance to others.
4 Participation
To be well rounded and not be defined by your difficulties or your condition, you need to attend and participate in activities, groups with different types of society attending.
5 Responsibility and adjustment
As well as exercising your rights, it is also essential to take your obligation on responsibilities on what you should be doing. This covers areas like looking out for others & support important ones around you. In addition, taking steps to improve certain opportunities including employment, education. Also the importance to maintain expectations and standards. This inclulde appearance, tastes and how you look after where your day to day life as well your health.