Projects Positive related subjects

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Projects: Positive Related

A range of projects emphasising the examples related to a positive sense of value towards hidden differences

Elements of Value

The information and visual art project when explore the five elements towards high aspirations for hidden differences

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Inclusive Differences

(including Inclusive to Dance)

Discover the importance of inclusivity

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Emphasising how hidden differences can be positive benefit to society

The project includles Diverse Advantage and customised versions including for ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.

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Good Practice

Embracing hidden differences to influence other positively

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Diverse Achievers

A bitesize information project to celebrate achievers and role models with hidden differences.

The project includles customised versions including for ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. Also for Women with Hidden Differences along with Men & Women from a Multicultural background with Hidden Differences.

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Selected project elements

Inclusive to Dance

from the Inclusive Differences project

The project encourages dancing in inclusive environments for Neurodiversity, Invisible Disabilities and those who experience Anxiety

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Sense of Purpose

from the Advantage project

Encouraging everyone to be more aware of a person with hidden differences sense of purpose along with their intensions to move forward positively

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from the Advantage project

Be more aware of a person with hidden differences passions and ambitions to achieve positive things

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Pride and Value

from the Advantage project

Showing appreciation and to prespect the efforts of hidden differences to be adjustable, no matter how great or small. Also not use their difficulties to make them feel shameful

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Well Represented

from the Advantage project

The importance of hidden differences passions to be well represented in society as citizens and not as a medical or a care matter

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