Home > Awareness Focus > Women with Hidden Differences Focus
International Women's Day
Women's History Month
Focused version of projects and information for women with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety from the Plus Value Awareness initiative family
Connected Projects to
Women with Hidden Differences
Customised for Women with hidden differences
Women Achievers
from the project
Diverse Achievers
From articles for supporting events related to Women with Hidden Differences
Blog: "Value+Equaility for a fairer World"
A wider perspective on the importance of equal environments is more beneficial
Blog: Value Society by Valuing Women
Reminding the wider context that a fairer society can only happen if we value women better
Blog: Stop, Think & Change
An advisory blog to men to change their attitudes and behaviour
Blog: My Responsibility & challenges
Reminding The project director personal expressions on his responsibility on showing support and the boundaries.
Discover more examples of blog articles and projects specificly for Women with Hidden Differences by visiting the Events+ Collection index page
Presented themed project
Blog: Be Wise, be isnpired and make change
Updated with a new look
Women with hidden differences:
The Guide
Explore the the webpages and connected projects below
linked with the Awareness Focus feature