Valuing Natrual

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Valuing Hidden Differences

Natural & Authentic

Focusing to enable for a person with differences to live their life naturally


Because of the limitation of certain abilities and coping mechanisms, life can be very challenging for a person with hidden differences when pushed beyond their manageable levels. So everyone needs to respect and to value hidden differences to go at a pace that is manageable for them.


Because the range of difficulties a person lives with, it can lead to situations when they can be psychologically and emotionally compromised when they are pressurised beyond what the can manage. in some cases they can face hostility, intolerance and pressures. This can cause an damaging effect for a person with differences to cope naturally and authentically.

Certain environments of public spaces, places of interest, transport and locations of leisure can be overbearing and too much for some people with differences to cope and manage.

If memory affects a person with differences, some people's attitude can disregard their difficulties by communicating excessively which can affect their ability to listen efficiently. Also, some can become extremely impatient and hostile if a person with differences cannot recall information quickly and concisely.

Ability speed and accident risk
At specific locations, there is an expectation to modify abilities to quick speeds at locations such as supermarkets, public transport and other busy locations including crowded events & festivals. Through no fault of their own, some people with differences can struggle and can face intimidation and hostility for not being able to speed their abilities as others. However, pressurising a person with differences to speed up can be impossible for some as they are at risk to face accidents, clumsiness and other similar accidents.

Memory factor
There can be an expectation for not only communicating efficiently but also memorising information accurately when accessing certain levels of service. This can be impossible for some people with differences as memory can be a boundary for some.

Intolerance and demands
A person with differences can face constant intolerance from people who are demanding and impatient attitudes. This can lead to increasing pressure beyond what a particular person can manage. If pushed too far, it can cause a high amount of stress, anxiety and mental burnouts that can last days, weeks and beyond.

The effects on stress.
Some people with differences can face many boundaries that affect their ability to function. For examples, stress can affect practical & physical tasks. It can also affect reading, listening & writing. This can esclate futher related to every day taks including memorising passwords when accessing online accounts and lead to a disruptive sanction including having their online account blocked.

Main Point

Everyone needs to be considerate if a person with differences cannot manage at the same pace as others.

It is important to be patient and make reasonable allowances.

Be aware of each person limitations and coping mechanisms and be aware of the health & well-being implications.

Here some quick points to consider

A person with differences should be able to manage at a pace they can manage situations better

Unfair pressurisation beyond how a person with differences can manage must be discouraged.

A person with differences have the right to challenge anyone who is too oppressive or is very excessive

An option of request a timeout should be encouraged when situations are overbearing or too much.

The ability to stop hostile situations which can cause mental health

Just like everyone a person with difficulties should be allowed to be human, even when they make errors. This means not using this to be hostile & intimidating when this occurs

A person with differences should have the right to stop someone if they're not being unreasonable of when they are being compromised against how they are managing.

No kind of pressure should be imposed when a person with differences makes any decision making, based on complexity or unsure situations. This means they must not be antagonized or face disrespect if they take longer to decide.

To prevent anxiety, mental blocks & negative side effects on coping mechanisms the importance of supporting mini-breaks from inclusive environments with excessively overbearing

Tips and guidance

There are some steps which everyone can make to value a person with hidden differences
Discover more by selecting the element area below for detailed information
  • Tips for the General Public

    Unless you know a person with specific hidden, you should never become hostile, intimidating  if a person with is struggling or have modified their ability speeds to prevent accidents or mistakes which can affect others nearby.

     A person's difficulties are not their personaility so do not be disrespectful or offensive.

  • Tips for general and personal contacts with hidden differences

    Friends and families need to modify their patience and how they communicate. Pay more attention to the boundaries a person with differences faces through generalisations and preceptive assumptions. However, never play on the person with differences fears or frustrations based on generalisations 

    Never overload or be demanding which affect a person with differences ability to listen or to phycological cope efficiently.

    A person with differences don't have a choice of the difficulties then you should never use this to test their abilities or provoke unplanned conversations with their ability to cope.

    (For any officials or any contacts) 

    if a person with differences hasn't disclosed their difficulties, do not judge a person's ability and should check beforehand if the person might have specific hidden related difficulties or not.

  • Tips for Hidden Differences (Soon)

    Advice for young people and adults with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety

    Details will appear here soon

Final Point

No one should pressurise a person with hidden differences beyond what is managable for them

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