Valuing Presumptions

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Valuing Hidden Differences

Black & White Presumptions

Focusing against making automatic presumptions towards hidden differences


A person with hidden differences can be easily misinterpreted due to the difficulties they live with are not visually obvious. This can lead to a situation when a person with difficulties can be inaccurate presumptions against them. 

This project explores how sweeping generalisations which affect a person with differences to be valued and fully understood


Here is some examples to consider.

Differences live with is not the same
A major problem when understanding a person's difficulties is that can they can be generalised with assuming that their difficulties and limitation of abilities are the same for all people. This leads to negative misinterpretations when a person with hidden differences when they are easily disbelieved. In reality the kind of difficulties a person lives with varies from person to person, even within the same condition.

An assumption that any difficulties can disappear through employment and fitness
One of the most common misinterpretations assumes that if a person with differences participates in physical activity and access employment assumes that their difficulties would automatically disappear. This information is false.

Obsessions of curing
There are some false assumptions related to cures related to the difficulty a person lives with. All hidden differences are not curable. This is despite some people with ADHD accessing certain medications to manage the effects on their difficulties.

There is no generalisation on the lifestyle of hidden differences in their tastes, interests or passions. Some have attempted to make generalise stereotypes and make certain association with a specific lifestyles. This kind of generalisation causes harmful stigma and divide hidden differences from the rest of society.

Persistent intolerance
Some people have unrealistic expectations who thinks that person with hidden differences should face tough discipline and an excess amount of intolerance which assumes their differences would less prevalent. This approach is an extremely dangerous and maxises the amount of harm to their circumstances. Also, it can cause damaging side effects, leading to an high amount of stress, anxiety, mental health and can lead to mental instability. This can even can escalate towards depression and even worse.

Healthcare & support presumptions
Many people with differences are not taken into consideration in their experiences or circumstances. This means if a person with differences is addressing serious issues which affect their lives, such as prejudice, discrimination can be taken less seriously as a citizen and only seen as healthcare or a support matter. This can damage a person with hidden differences place in society.

Main Point

A reminder that the kind of person with Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety are not the same so never generalise.

We need to respect a person with differences place in society and stop making toxic offences against them.

A person's difficulties are not a lack of discipline. So never punish a person who lives with specific difficulties and not use it to bring the worst out of them or to damage their circumstances.

A person with differences is a citizen and should be treated as a diverse member of society.

Final Point

It is never acceptable making generalised presumptions towards hidden differences without insight or context.

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