World Autism Awareness Day & Month

  World Autism

  Acceptance & Awareness


  2nd April

  World Autism

  Acceptance & Awareneess


  1st - 30th April

Plus Value Awareness support this annual event. 

Explore below the discover information, features and showcase projects

Original projects


Two sides: Acceptance and no acceptance

How acceptance is not enough to value an autistic person

Read the Tumblr blog

Presented theme


Stigma Free

Widen our attitides & perspectives towards an autistic person

Visit the themed project

Additional content developed recently

Blog: Beyond just Awareness & Understanding

Looking higher beyond the minimum approach towards an autistic person

Read the blog on Tumblr

Connected Projects

Autism Connected

A collection of specialised connected projects for the Autistic Sprectrum

Connected index

Support statement

Plus Value Awareness statement
by Project Director Keith McKenzie

This awareness initiative has an important angle during April by focusing on the human aspects of autistic experiences. Also, empowering and celebrating the positivity of individuals with autism. There are many positive attributes of an autistic person and strengths to be recognised. We must also need to focus on the positive aspects and not the ignorance, stereotypes or typecasts.

Since 2008 this awareness initiative family have supported this event every year. From 2022 onwards the two web pages for supporting both World Autism Acceptance Day & Month and Autism Awareness Day & Month was integrated into one webpage to strengthen the importance of acceptance.

This year's focused theme

Stigma Free

The importance of move beyond stereotypes and pressumptions

Visit themed project

Other projects to explore

from the Plus Value

Awareness family

Autism Advantage

Focusing on strengths and atrributes

Visit the project

Valuing Autism

Covering different aspects in valuing an autistic person

Visit the project

Autism Achievers

A summary list of achievers and role models

Visit the project

Elements of Value

Visual art and information to explore a positive sense of value

Visit the project

Inclusive Differences

The importance of inclusivity

Visit the project

Positive Value

Introductory Project to enable hidden differences as citizens

Visit the project

Diverse Senses

Bitesize project on approaching hidden differences

Visit the project

Diverse Keywords

Bitesize understanding Project within keywords

Visit the project

Value & Dignity

The importance on respecting autistic human rights and fair treatment with dignity

Visit the project

Special feature by project director

Commonwealth Legacy

The project director special involvement of promoting Birmingham legacy represeting autism and neurodiversity

(via the Project Director's website)

Visit the project

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Event information

Event Information

World Autism Awareness Day

The annual event on April 2nd & is one of seven official United Nations health-related events. Created in 2008 is to bring autism organisations together to highlight campaigns & information to cover topics & issues.

As part of World Autism Awareness Day, the organisation Autism Speaks organises the annual campaign which encourages communities and business to "light it blue" to highlight the medical awareness by encouraging the general public and specific places of interest to display a blue light.  Many people on the autistic spectrum find the campaign from Autism Speaks extremely offensive and demeaning as the campaign is seen as having too many medical aspects and the lacking of acceptance and value.

World Autism Awareness Month

The event also known as World Autism Month is a supplement to World Autism Awareness Day, a family of different organisations and charities around the world get involved in several awareness campaigns and activities to improve understanding of the wider public, organisations and business.

Autism Acceptance Day

Takes place on the same day as World Autism Awareness Day (April 2nd). It was originally created in 2011 by Paula Durbin Westby was is Supported by the Washington D.C based organisation Autistic Self-Acceptance Advocacy Network. This is promoted by organisations in the United States & around the world. This event is to challenge the conventions of autism awareness.

Autism Acceptance Month

This event is an expansion to Autism Acceptance Day, This is promoted by organisations in the United States & around the world. This event is to challenge the conventions of autism awareness.

Many people on the autistic spectrum appreciate this event compared to similar events during the same timescale due to the fact that it focuses more on acceptance and the human aspects

In recent years, there have been no current campaigns or an official website. However, many organisations, projects and groups from around the world continue to promote Autistic Acceptance during April in the communities, online & on social media.


Plus Value Awareness will continue to promote autistic acceptance during April

Follow the discussion during World Autism events in April

#worldautismday #WAAD





Recommended organisations

Visit the United Nations offical event website
Visit the official Website
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Diverse Differences is connected with
The special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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