A collection of seclection of specialised projects within focused areas.
This made of showcase articles, insight blogs, exclusive projects linked with supporting specific events
Explore by select the focused connected index links below.
Connected projects:
Women with hidden Differences
Connected projects:
Mental Health
Connected projects:
Connected projects:
Autistic Spectrum
Connected projects:
Connected projects:
Invisible Disabilities
Connected projects:
Hate Crime
Useful links
To view more these and other project visit the following links below
Diverse Differences Exclusive
A specialised family of projects linked with the empowering online feature
Events+ Showcase blog on Tumblr
Focused article linked with supporting different awareness events
Plus Value Awareness insight blog on Tumblr
Providing an additional awareness insight and analysis articles to the general projects presented online.
Discover more
Coming Soon
The existing pages Events Calendar and the supporting events list will transfering to the new "Events+" feature.