Value & Dignity
This project explores the most important factor of a positive sense of value towards anyone with hidden differences.
Not just respecting their
dignity and human rights but also to see
a person with differences as humans and not seen as a medical, a
burden or a threat.
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This cover examples of how lacking context and insight can affect a person with differences negatively.
A person with differences can face misinterpretation with being singled out negatively based on vanity judgements and any perceived gaps of expected abilities. This can lead to disrespectful attitudes against a person with differences in their place in society and their difficulties.
Any type of important decision making which affects the whole society can leave a person with differences to be ignored unless their context and insight are considered. From changes to how pubic services work through to a procedure to access services from a bank or a utility provider. This leads to important powerful figures can easily make which cab disrupt a person with different ability to function.
This is partly caused by a lack of diverse representation which enables a person with differences is not disadvantage to changes or modified alteration.
Organisations and authoritative figures are likely to have greater representatives of Dyslexia and possibly ADHD and Dyspraxia. However, there is a lack of autistic representation. This means autistic people will suffer worse and face situations when they can struggle while being on the receiving end of intolerance and face unfair sanctions.
Also, an autistic person with differences might find it harder to adapt because of guidelines & procedures developed by the public with business and political members and leaders lacking insight on how a variety of autistic person's experiences. This means an autistic person is very restricted and in some cases restrained.
Many people living with hidden differences can face negative stigma leading to inaccurate and distorted decisions against certain people with hidden differences when disputes occur. This was related to housing and other public services.
Some examples of the negative judgements which damage a person with hidden differences sense of value
* Lack of diverse representation
This is when any voices from a person with differences are not being listened to and in some cases downgraded and dismissed. This is related to reporting, seeking help, sharing and reporting negative circumstances.
Their differences can lead to inaccurate judgements which can compromise their circumstances, stability safety and life.
* Inaccurate profiling
There can judge wrongly categorised against their intelligence. Also, generalisation can occur if a person with differences is mentally and emotionally comp[romised and face damaging abuse.
* Incorrect presumptions
If a person's circumstances are not up to the level as others, they can face negative generalising assumptions. These include presumptions such as "not trying" and "lacking competence" as a response seen as unfairly lacking irresponsible and a burden without checking the obstacles they face or changes that get in the way. These include constant boundaries in accessing employment, education and training for example.
* Ignored experienced
Certain people with differences can face an excessive amount of bullying, discrimination and hatred. However, their experiences can be seen as insufficient compared to the rest of society and therefore their voices be easy silenced. This damages a person with differences in self-worth as helpless and hopeless.
A changing society can lead to certain people with differences struggle with the adapt to the changing trends and pendulum. This leads them to face an excessive amount of intolerance and disrespect with implied they are unfairly seen as a burden.
* Filtered viewpoints
For some people with hidden differences, there is a limited opportunity to fully have their say. Some voices are only limited to the specific survey activities of research awareness organisations. This involves several surveys covering different subjects and issues. Many of these examples mentioned are only limited to multiple-choice questions. Therefore there is no further opportunity for sharing detailed experiences. This process leads to inaccurate generalised conclusions and therefore cause misrepresentation by creating distorted viewpoints.
Here some further examples of when a person with differences can be misjudged and mistreated without a sense of value.
* False presumptions & suggestions
Specific individuals with a high-level profile and position of authority can on occasions make inaccurate comments towards those with hidden differences. Also, they can make careless and ill-informed without any sort of insight or context. This can insight harmful prejudice and discrimination against a person with differences harming their sense of value.
This leads to many people make inappropriate suggestions without the negative implications. Examples including when certain individuals make inappropriate suggestions that a person with differences should not disclose their difficulties when applying for employment. This is dangerous as it would be a health and safety risk and can lead to legal disputes and damaging consequences. Also, this can lead to an unnecessary amount of pressure of masking and the dangerous consequences if a person with different stability is being compromised because they are pressurised beyond their ability and coping mechanisms. Consequently can lead to depression and worse.
Other irresponsible judgements from high profile figures imply that able-bodied and articulate individuals with hidden differences are wrongly demonised as pretending to be disabled and betraying society and the system.
* Slower ability judgement
Without checking if a person lives with neurological related differences they can be judged unfairly, leading to facing critical demands which imply nuisance and time-wasting assumptions.
Health care services & providers
There can be a negative perception related to misinterpretation.
Recently, there have been many news stories when bad practices occur including
Many practices occur across the health system. making important decisions which decisions risks certain people with differences life.
On occasion, this has lead to making dangerous decisions.
Also, there are some examples of some healthcare professionals who don't respect the dignity or privacy of a person with differences. For example, if a particular person is facing a series of health tests, they can bring in a different health professional unannounced to provide intrusive testing related to sensitive areas of their bodies without notification in advance.
Abuse on fear vs mental capacity
When a person with hidden differences is compromised beyond their limitations and mental capacity they can be brought the worst out of. This leads the person to become frustrated, anxious, emotional despair and rage. Without understanding their insight and context they are likely to be too falsely judged as a threat. This kind of judgements can affects how a person with differences communicate and others and their overall confidence.
When this occurs the factors which may lead to a person with differences being in this situation it's not taken into consideration. Instead are wrongly blamed, disrespected and be wrongly defined negatively. When they don't cope even if they cope with daily life most of the time. Without supportive patience and understanding, they can risk being punished with disrupted consequences.
There are negative consequences and damaging side effects on the lack of dignity.
A person with hidden differences could mistrust particular public services including healthcare. This is especially when professionals & services have very poor understanding can lead to lead to bad decisions making which can cause harm to their well-being which can provide unnecessary danger risks to their health and their life.
A lack of representation from those living with differences or mean they will always be unfairly typecast which lead to excessive disrespectful attitudes. This will affect their quality and pride.
A person with differences is highly likely to be falsely accused of being a trouble maker or a criminal suspect based on perceptions and misinterpretations. This is especially if a person with differences is being bullied, abused or is unfairly provoked to emotional despair. This leads to harmful consequences when a person with differences can falsely face sanctions and bans because the kind of prejudiced abuser goes unnoticed.
This can ultimately can make it very difficult for a person with differences to
navigate through life with stability if their human rights are denied from any form of hatred, discrimination & harassment.
This is partly because any unique negative experiences can be unfairly judged as irrelevant simply because they are in the minority. This is dangerous and it can lead to making a person with differences feel like an insignificant citizen with seen as less valued by the rest of society.
It is essential to see a person with differences as an inclusive citizen of the society and stop downgrading their experiences and their places in society as a medical and healthcare matter.
Also, the generalisation must stop especially which lacking context & insight.
Valuing a person with differences in life and stop the causing danger to their self-worth including over medication and unfair punishments. Especially the person has no previous negative track records.
High profile figures need to be challenged and be corrected when making inaccurate and inflammatory presumptions and are made to feel how irresponsible they are and the dangerous implications they are making.
We need to stop making distorted decision-making that unfairly penalises a person with differences. Also, we must stop making poor decision making which leads to certain people having difficulties harming their lives including over-medicating when accessing health services. No matter what anyone perceives, all people with hidden differences are humans and not guinea pigs and or animals so we must change attitudes.
Organisations, the business of all types of public services need to make allowances and adjustments which to make them trusted when hidden differences are accessing the services, products or facilities. This includes finding ways to stop making accurate decision making against a person with differences wishes.
Public authorities, community groups, politicians and leaders need to stop regarding false assumptions against hidden differences intelligence or as an insignificant citizen of society.
This includes stopping downgrading any experiences and insight as a health and social care matter. Also any experiences such as discrimination to bullying and hate crime and stop doubting any experience a person with hidden differences is sharing.
Not undervalue their intelligence
If a person lives with specific conditions linked with hidden differences, we must stop making low intelligence presumptions. Also not to demonise a person with differences making inaccurate conclusions if they appear articulate and display a certain level of intelligence
Not decide against their wishes
In meetings and gatherings never arrange a conversation about a person with differences without involving their voice. Also to stop making decisions against a person with different wishes without context & insight
We need to have a greater concise representation when it comes to a person with differences in expressions of experiences and circumstances. This means stop making distorted representations with only limited expressions of differences to multiple-choice questions
* We must stop generalising with inaccurate presumptions
* See a person beyond their differences.
* Stop using a person with differences to undermine their dignity and human rights and provocative.
Context & insight
We must pay greater attention to a person with differences circumstances, climates and challenges in factors that compromise a person with differences if they are not coping before making false judges
We must stop using a person with differences to take them less seriously at face value.
Take time out to understand a person with differences strengths and positive attributes rather than their difficulties or what they lack.
High profiles, public service management's and any organisations which serve hidden differences must be educated better on the human aspects of hidden differences not only on the condition or the difficulties but also must have insight & context.
Stop bad practices
Education of the human aspects is also needed for all types of public services. is including finding ways of making concise decision-making without damaging a person with differences and life. Also changing practices and procedures enables a person with differences to trust the services they receive better.
Take a person with differences serious at a value. Value a person with differences as a diverse member of society
Respecting dignity
The importance of listening and respecting their human rights.
Represented voices
We must start improving representative voices that means they need to have a combination of consultations, surveys and other interactions. Also need to find ways to improve voices at ground level including appointing specific people with differences as representatives at a local, regional and national level.
Positive ways forward
With the ever-changing climate & society's attitudes, the conventional approach towards understanding and acceptance is no longer will not be appropriate.
Every organisation and important decision-makers need to have a better knowledge of the human aspects of understanding a person with hidden differences including their insight and context. Also, we must stop downgrading a person with differences which implies they only regarded as health, social care issue matter or a burden.
Communities need to improve inclusively with leaders need to speak up and promote value in the same way as other diverse members of society. Also, public authority officials, public services and communities and other local partnerships must be inclusive and have better diverse representation
Final points
Every section of society needs to have a smarter mindset and have a more balanced knowledge of every individual with hidden differences. This applies to everybody from healthcare professionals, and politicians through to local public services and communities.
We need to stop seeing hidden differences as hopeless with negative connotations. We must stop being perceptive and understand their context and insight better. Also, have a balanced understanding beyond their difficulties with their strengths and positive attributes and how these qualities can be a positive advantage in society.
If we all understand smartly with insight and context and not generalisations and typecast we will have a more sustainable and more diverse and representative society.
Respecting and valuing what a person with differences is communicating and not dismiss or underestimate what is shared.
An important reminder nobody has the right the punish anyone with hidden differences for existing. To enable a person with differences to be sustainable and to have a positive place in society value and dignity must be respected towards a person with differences, there are no excuses.
This project is dedicated to all the families and communities and individual with differences who had their lives compromised through lack of understanding, value and had their human rights ignored & violated.
Get in touch
If this project can be potentially beneficial to your community, organisations or groups, the project director Keith McKenzie is available to be in touch via his Linkedin profile.
If you wish to connect on the link please send a message beforehand with details of your organisation, your objectives. Also to inform how can this project can be beneficial to your organisation and community.
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