is this non verb abuse

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"Is this the right Value ?"

Non-verbal abuse

A person with hidden differences should be allowed to exist and function in society without be in the receiving end of being non-verbally ridiculed or be insulted.

Background Information

Though the entertainment and through popular culture everyone consumes & the social trends, we are living in a more judgemental society. Unfortunately, this affects many people with hidden differences as they have life has no room to hide on their ability to function. This means they can be easily singled out in how different in how to hold themselves, communicate, walk. In addition, get over scrutinised over little things such as where they look how they hold items or the mannerism speeds. It can affect them worst they fell pressurised, stress and in environments beyond the can normally manage.

Certain people think they have the right to make a person difficulty to undermined their presence.

Examples of Non-verbal offence causes

A number of factors which can lead to a person to face non-verbal offence behavour, this includles:

1. Not accepting differences in society

2. Typecast prejudice

3  Direct mimicking 

4. Attacking intelligence 

5. Jealously & irony 

6. Scrutinised judgement

7  Impatience & Intolerance

8. Unrealistic expectations & Standards

9. Uninfomed perceptions from ethics, morality and values

10. Vanity tastes and influnces from entertainment, news and surroundings

Non-verbal abuse types

The types of verbal insult a person with an invisible difficulty can face includes:

1: Direct distraction & non verbal threats. 

This including non-verbal mocking, ridiculing. Also judgemental gestures which intend to insult or disrespect.

2: Direct & nearby obstruction

When the person deliberate invading their space while make non verbal insults or mockery. Their aim is to cause maximum hurtful feeling they cannot escape by looking away.

3: Prank distraction

When someone create a quick & sneaky prank distraction which is done in away only the person with differences would notice and happens so quickly the person with hidden differences cannot able able to stand up for myself and cause painful psychological scars. 

4: Pranks or physical provocation

As as a way to embarrassed then to use their prejudice to undermined and emotionally cause hurt and despair to that a person with difficulty to a level when they fixed to leave and go not feel comfortable from a particular location.

5: Direct physical attack

Some to see a persons difficulty to as a nuisance & turning to hate or based on jealously when a person with involve difficulty who made an effort on their appearance and can happen to dance better then can be in the receiving end of physical attacks.

6: Physical Intolerant behaviour

A number of actions on where a person becomes impatient and to reacts with physical intolerance as an excuse to mistreat with specific difficulty. This includes grabbing items of a hand when a person with hidden differences accusing them of taking too long when undertaking a practical duty or action. Other actions including hand pushing and to shove or to grab person out of a particular area or place. 

Main points

Non verbal offence many not be is not a criminal offence it is a form of abuse. Non-verbal offence is one of the first warning signs with a type of prejudice a person should cause, if the matter is not taken notice or adjustments are not made the, same offender are likely cause greater problems such a verbal attack, face practical pranks, physical attacks or even worse.

No one should use their ignorance to cause a person with invisible difficulties any sort of upset.

A person with hidden differences should be allowed to be seen and to function to society with being made fun of, be threatened or face any physical attack.

It is wrong to use any sort of ignorance to damage any person with hidden differences ability to function.

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