Think Twice

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Think Twice

The bitesize awareness project against bullying

We are all different & not all the same. Not just on a person's image or looks but also on abilities or how a person is holding themselves. No one should use a person's hidden differences (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia & Social Anxiety) to be picked on, make fun, discriminate, physical intimidation or assault.

Many people know the bullying can occur with young people and in the workplace. 

But bullying can also occur bullying to anyone living with differences in any age and outside of the workplace. So from 14 to 55 & from 20 to 40 years old, bullying can affect happen and anywhere from six-form & further education colleges, academies, universities through to outdoors on the street, places of leisure & even on public transport. It can happen to anyone & can cause damaging harm.

We all know on the theory that Bullying is wrong & damaging but some don't practice what they preach. It can affect young people & even adults experiences on bullying can be done unnoticed as it can be taken less seriously. This can be done in different ways

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  • Types of Bullying


    The most obvious form of prejudice bullying and hate. Including making direct verbal insults including derogatory against the person's differences of making hatred threats. Other examples making non-verbal abuse 

    Trival insults (mocking & ridiculing remarks), physical attack and assault (including being pushed, attack and other kinds of harm. This can affect the victim person safety & life)

    To find out more 

    See the main project page of "is this the right value?"


    This is when the offender makes manipulative and destructive tactics which make it harder for a person with differences to report any form of bullying.

    Examples include stigmatising labelling, making verbal & non-verbal abuse while the abuser pretends it wants them by looking away or looking innocent. Double jeopardy exploitation a form of escalating & persistent harassment & hate by making a physical attack this is seconds after the offender causing non-verbal mocking & making verbal offence. 

    The stigmatised label is when a person with differences are singled out with false labels to cause harmful shame such as gay, queer or rude humour labels. Some will take it further with distractive tactics such as scream and shout verbal insults and made either mockery distraction or make disrespectful gestures. Some offenders will go one step further by making a single out so quickly it too late for the affected to report and others 

    Unnoticed hate

    A conversation that turns into manipulate insult against a person's differences. This is where a normal conversation turns into a person with differences receive being lectured and over scrutinised over their intelligence, their approach, and how they communicate which turns into a perceived disrespect against them.

    The other person who disproves a person with differences they know by to make exploitative manipulation behind a person differences behind the back such as damaging their clothing which leads through to facing provoked aggressive and physical interrogation.

  • Outdated responses which does not help

    The experiences of bullying, discrimination & hate can be easily Underestimated. Because of this, making outdated responses can make the problem worse as they are not supported or taken seriously in the first place. 

    Examples including:

    * Patronising lectures

    This is an approach when the other person patronises and make unhelpful remarks towards a person with differences and disregard the differences. Such as "you an intellect person & have some pride"

    * Dismissive response

    This is the other person Underestimate the issues no greater than name-calling with responses than "ignore it", "rise above it" & "Deal with it" all these examples are not only unhelpful it is implying that they don't care to make it out their differences is to blame which is seen as an insult.

    * Sympathy to the offender

    Some would undermine the effect of a person's experiences by commenting sympathetic curiosity on the possible excuses why the other person cause the offence. This is an indirect way to blame a person with differences for their bad experiences. 

    * Unsympathetic responses

    Many examples can occur in different ways. When a person with differences who have bullied tried to confide to someone can feel discouraged with being told "don't tell me about your personal problems" or "I'm the wrong person to talk to.''

    Attacking differences

    Other examples including attacking remarks such as "You brought up to themselves." Also, a person with differences would be lectured on the lack of skills, abilities compared to others. 

    Provocative disruptions

    Someone can use their suspicions towards a person's differences by making provocations to not only bring the worst out of a person's differences (to cause anxiety attacks & emotional despair) but to tactically to get a person with differences into trouble with officials or leading positions such public services, housing officials and employers while the offender didn't take responsibility and reacts innocently. In personal relationships, some people will also use this tactic for emotional and psychological abuse. This can happen in different environments like accessing services & products at retailers or on transport when reporting incidents to officials on phone.

  • The effects of bullying

    The examples of effects include:

    * Psychological scars which can escalate to low moods and be mentally drained.

    * Can cause damaging and disruptive mental health problems.

    * Being forced to restrict their freedom of movement

    * Some don't feel stay safe in society and feel and to stay at home.

    * It causes isolation & alienation fixed not to integrate into society

    What can lead to

    * A person with differences who facing bad experiences can be rejected can be unfairly judged as negative and can be socially

    * If the effects of bullying and hate are unresolved can affects different paths of life.

    For example, at work, education & business environments a person with differences can face hostile confrontation with intolerant pressures. Especially if bullying affects all aspects of life. This leads to demanding expectation of dividing the effects of bullying the person side life away from work & education without affecting the level of workload and momentum. In social environments, the affected person can lose friends and social credibility giving them to stop their social life completely.

    * It can seriously harm their education and employment opportunities 

    * If they are forced to stay at home because of prejudice, bullying & hate, their health can decline and can harm their life.

    * If the affected experiences of bullying are too excessive and are unsupported and help it can lead to mental health, depression and even worse.

  • Other Points to Consider

    * Because of poor understanding, many people with differences can be seen as not believable compared to others as their average & high average as disapproved against their differences.

    (How it can affect some Women)

    * Women with differences can be wrongly underestimated and some can face being physically mistreated differently compared to men. 

    Also, they can face greater mental health problems caused by pressures and be wrongly disbelieved and judged unfairly.

    (How it can affect adults generally)

    * Many adults with differences in the social environment particularly some living with the autistic spectrum can be unfairly judged as suspicious by both other women & men. This can mean not only they can be easily rejected they can face physical pranks and provocative disruptions. The effects are so harmful they lose social credibility.


    (How it can affect some men)

    * Certain Men with hidden differences (especially some men with autism) who struggle to socialise can be made to stay away from women. These actions are imposed on them to avoid humiliation and shame. This includes being heckled, mocked in front of others. This can lead to face false homophobic threats and attacks forcing them to and stop their social life completely. It doesn't end there, some men with differences who struggle to socialise can face a series of physical abuse, practical pranks and assault. It can happen within a day or over some time. Unfortunately, this leads to some men with differences being forced out of social environments and stopping integrating.

    When a person with differences tries to share their experiences can be are automatically disbelieved as getting blamed for over-reacting or be accused of bringing it on to themself.

    (How it can affect ethnic minorities)

    * Some Men & Women with ethnic minorities face greater stigma within their culture and general society in different ways. Within their cultures, it can be seen as a burden & shame and is pressurised to mask their differences to display zero difficulties or anxiety otherwise they face negative consequences including losing respect & credibility to appear lazy, rude sloppy with bad character. Also, they can be shamed further expected to conform to specific expectations because their differences can appear to be a betrayal to the culture. 


    * Men with ethnic minorities, especially with autism, can face misperceptions and face hatred with homophobic threats. (Even when they are not gay)

    * Within general society, men & women with ethnic minorities can be wrongly associated with negative stereotypes towards black people as suspicious or a threat. So any expression or emotions can be they face exaggerated misperceptions.

    Further information available by visiting the Value All project  "Valuing Multicultural Differences"

  • Mind

    Bullying and mistreatment can cause a destructive effect on a person with differences related to their mental health and wellbeing. Not only it causes anxiety, stress and psychological despair but it can cause a person's life goals, abilities and relationships with their families, friends and their community. 

    This can cause loneliness, isolation, depression and health consequences.

    Find out more by visiting the project

    Dont Underestimate Differences & Mental Health

  • Heart

    Just like everyone else, a person with differences has feelings. 

    So we need to think after harmful consequences on how bullying can cause. 

    Also, bullying can increase mistrust of others more than an average person.

    Everyone needs to think carefully before we underestimate the experiences and their effect on bullying.

    We need to see a person with differences beyond how we perceive. This means not responding because their abilities physical appearance may be slightly different compared to how you proceed what's average.

  • Bullying can affect any age

    As mentioned elsewhere, bullying can occur at schools, sixth form, colleges, universities and other places in society and it can happen at any location at any time.

    We need to be more aware and think about how bullying young people with differences can cause a damaging effect in later life. 

    (Bullying doesn't stop beyond 25 years old)

    We need to be more aware and not underestimate that bullying does happen towards a person with differences in their 30s, 40s and beyond. This type of bullying can be more intense and more harmful. It can affect employment, social inclusion, quality of life and any relationships and life contacts.

    Everyone of all ages should be understood and supportive better against bullying.

The Main Points
* It is wrong a to disapprove a person with differences for existing. So never blame them or to cause them shame
* Every person regardless of age and differences should able to exist, to function in society, integrate with everyone, to access any services and to be trusted fairly in life opportunities which most people take further granted 
* Every person with differences must be listened to, taken seriously and be supported and be made them feel valued.
* Just like everyone else, individuals with differences have feelings so one should never suppress their feelings & expressions otherwise can cause psychological harm.
* No one should use anyone differences to restrict their presence or to remove them from society

Action steps

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  • If you live with Differences

    * Don't let anyone misguide and to overrule your dignity. It is your right to speak out against any sort of prejudice bullying & hate. 

    * Prepare actions you may need to take including a request to speak to managing and leading officials and procedures in place when you face mistreatment (including making a complaint)

    * Must develop assertiveness & intolerance procedures in place at every planned & unplanned situation without displaying emotional despair.

    * Must be careful when you standing up to yourself especially if certain types of people & environments cause you standing up for your to caused harm to your personal safety and your life.

  • Anyone nearby near by

    * If someone is very emotional despise after being bullied, discriminated against or face some types of hate, refrain from telling or heckling by perception (this can make the situation worse by causing them further upset)

    * Never make patronising "Calm down" responses

    * Offer to check ok and asking what has happened without judgement.

    * Give further suggestions for the person with differences to get away from a negative situation such as heading home.

    * If you witness the affected facing bullying, harassment & hate offer to support them as witness statement or report to police on the person with differences behalf

    * Encourage the person with differences to contact a family member, friend or supportive officials to report & share the incident.

  • Friends, family and other contact of differences

    If a person with differences has shared to you their bad experiences of bullying follow the below steps:

    * Never reject them confiding to you if they need to turn to (especially if they are stressed & upset) and let them express all their points. 

    * Do not overload them with suggestions when they are not psychologically and emotionally not at their best. 

    * But you can give suggestions when they are more relaxed and when they are to make notes which enables them or organise and develop themselves authentically.

    * Avoid making a character judgement

    * Understand many boundaries in great detail and what they fear the worse on bully & hate.

  • Advice to everyone

    You can make a difference

    There's a lot you can do to make a difference against bullying.

    Listening & understanding patience

    Been there for a person with differences to combine two also to listen and have understanding patience. This means not making quick judgemental assumptions and showing greater interest and the type of bullying can occur regardless of any situations and circumstances.

    Display solidarity

    There are times when we need to stand up with a person with differences and in some cases speaking up on behalf of a person with differences. Also, we must do more to take accent including reporting to officials and police when reporting and damaging mistreatments occur. 

    Show support

    Being there and being supported is very important to combat bullying. Even if you cannot be able to provide solutions being supportive and empathetic is important to show support.

    Don't make a premature response or judgments

    If we see a person with differences appear very upset or distress never respond by making fun or to heckle when they are not the best. Also never threaten a person with differences over how they received. Think carefully on your responses as you could escalate. So don't compromise their feelings or situations when they not coping.

Recommended websites & campaigns
Discover recommended projects and campaigns online against bullying

Reccomended Hate crime websites & campaigns
If bullying experiences has escalated into a hate crime, there is further information online.
Click on the links below

This project shows is part of Plus Value Awareness commitment in supporting the annual awareness events throughout the year including: National Hate Crime Awareness Week, Anti-Bullying Week and Give us a Break
Discover other projects to explore


Discover the project "Zero Toxic" 

The marketing projects against prejudice, discrimination, bullying & hate.

Discover "Zero Toxic" project

Positive Value

Explores the elements and factors to value and to embrace a person with hidden differences


Get in touch

If this project can be potentially beneficial to your community, organisations or groups, the project director Keith McKenzie is available to be in touch via his Linkedin profile.
If you wish to connect on the link please send a message beforehand with details of your organisation, your objectives. Also to inform how can this project can be beneficial to your organisation and community.

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It will be up to the discretion of the project drector on any acceptance of connection requests on Linkedin.
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The special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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