The slightly differences in walking body language affecting some people within the autistic spectrum, the do face certain attitudes against them including facing exaggerated mockery to draw attention how different how the appear. Other make their difficulties to cause further hurt incuding hands behind the back with the handcuff guester imply insulting comments such as "should be locked up" or continuously hands in head continuously to draw attention how mentally different they are. In addition certain men within the autistic spectrum can misinterpreted with non verbal remarks to attack their male identity with false judgement labels.
As mention else when some people within the Autistic spectrum can take slightly slower to avoid physically clumsiness & to prevent any accidents negative attitude can occur against them. Examples incuding being physically pushed for coming across slower, they can be also be exploited to provoke to cause an accident the person affected unfairly gets blamed. Other impatient attitude can occur against them when the impatient person delbrately destrupt when are undertaking any practical task by grabbing items off them to mental embarrassing the affected.
The combination of body language when walking or undertaking any practical actions can lead to more complexed prejudice attitudes such as making hands on heart gesture to making attacking remarks to imply how not very natural they are perceived. This can lead to more harmful prejudice such as being physically pranked.
Certain people will use their intolerance and impatience to celebrate embrace their impaction by impatiently barge into them or a combination of pushed and to block them to imply their slower identity is unfairly misperceived as a nuisance for appearing too slow.