A person with hidden differences should be allowed to exist and function in society without be in the receiving end of being verbally mocked, ridiculed or be insulted.
Background Information
Taken from an old saying "stick & stones can break their bones" but if the abusive labeling are ignored & not taken seriously, then a person can face excesstive amount of derogatory insults, stigmatising labels and the similar offence can cause destructive harm.
As mentioned elsewhere society is more judgemental. Becuse of the changing social attitudes, there is no room to for person with an hidden differences to make adjustments. This means they can be wrongly songled out and draw attention to negatively. No matter minor the difficulties a person lives. Because of this, they can face a different level of insults.
A number of types of verbal offence including:
1. Derogatory judgements
2. Stereotype & typecasts
3. Not able to see beyond perceptions
2. Jealousy & Irony
3. Mocking & mimicking
4. Attacking intelligence & ability levels
5. Jealously
6. Specific mockery at challenging Environments
7. Tribalism
Examples of the kind of verbal insults a person with hidden differences likely to face including:
1 Deliberate direct verbal insults
This includes verbal mocking, insulting remarks either directly or taking down the affected in front of them to the people round them
2 Indirect heckling
This involves making distracting remarks either behind a person with differences back or while looking away.
3 Distracting noises
Making distracting random noises or exaggeration typecasts noises to the extremes level. For examples screaming or making animal noises or shout typecast mockery of stereotypes or how several or classic person with a Learning disability or mental heath (even if the affect don't appear to behave or communicate like them)
4 Hatred threats
Using the affected differences to intimidate or to cause a statement to disapprove the affected place in society. This is aimed to cause phycological scars
Main points
A person with hidden differences should able exist and to fiction in society without become of targets to be insulted or to have their feeling hurt.
Just like everyone else, a person with an hidden differences also have feelings too, therefore, don't be surprised if they become upset
Their difficulties are not intended to disrespectful you so you have no reasons to insult them
Any excuses on why anyone causing offence simply laziness.
Saying any derogatory phrases if extremely abuse and offensive language, therefore it should not be mentioned at all
One of the reasons why certain people persistently cause offence is partly because they do not get challenged or be corrected. It makes to offender feel that they can get away with more.
Everyone should consider when they see a person with difficulties, they are a family, member, have friends & acquaintances and may have a support network. It is important to be aware that verbal abuse does not only caused an effect to the person reciting the offence but also the relationships & contacts to have in their life.
Many people with invisible difficulties are very self-aware to come across adjustable, therefore they not appreciate anyone uses their differences to typecast them, exaggerate how they don't perceive or to fake derogatory attitudes.
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