Information for communities

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Information for  

communities & activity groups

This mini-feature contains specialised information & web links for communities groups, organisations & activity groups.

Please click on the subjects below to reveal detailed information

  • Projects to enable better Understanding

    A quick guide to various links will help enable a greater understanding of the human aspects of hidden differences.

    Select the links below to discover:

    Diverse Senses

    A quick understanding guide to be aware of what a person with differences faces

    Diverse Keywords

    A bitezise understanding within specific keywords

    Brighter Future

    The visual art project contains visual interpratation of issues and experences of hidden differences

    Visit the Projects index to view the full ranges of projects and campaigns

  • Projects to Inspire Differences

    A quick guide to various links to online projects will help to inspire differences towards a positive sense of value

    Positive Value

    The introductory project as a starring point to embrace hidden differences as citizens

    Elements of Value

    The special information and visual art project explore the elements towards a positive sense of value.


    Emphasising how hidden differences can be an advantage to society

    Diverse Achievers

    A project to inform and to celebrate achivers with differences

    Visit the Projects index to view the full ranges of projects and campaigns

  • Projects to value differences

    A quick guide to various links with the importance of valuing a person with differences with the human aspects

    Valuing hidden differences

    Containing a family of elements and specialised information on the importance of valuing a person with hidden differences

    Inclusive Differences

    The importance of to involve people with differences as part of an inclusive member of society alongside with other Society members.

    Advantage: Sense of Purpose

    Dncourges everyone be more aware of sense of value towards people with differences along with their intentions to move forward in life.

    Advantage Pride

    Showing your appreciation & respect their efforts to be adjustable no matter great or small and not to use their difficilities which makes them shameful

    Advantage: represented

    The importance of differences to be well represented in society as people and not the medical aspects

    Visit the Projects index to view the full ranges of projects and campaigns

  • Projects on the life challenges

    A quick guide to various links will help provides human aspects of specific challenges and issues which a person with differences faces.

    Think Twice 

    A bitesize project against any sort of bullying towards differences

    Zero Toxic

    The marketing style project against prejudice, bullying, discrimination and hatred.

    Stop blaming them for their differences

    A Differences Orginals project which discourages blaming & shaming attitiudes towards invisible difficulties

    Don't Underestimate

    The project which addressing how 

    Mental Health affects anyone with Hidden Differences

    Combat Loneliness

    A preview project to be aware how loneliness can affect a person with differences. It provides points to consider & solutions

    Avoid the easy response

    A project which discourage automatic responeses towards an adult with autism and other hidden differences

    Stop the freaks

    A project which highlights attitudes which adults with differences faces

    Stop demonising

    A digital art project which educating society more aware of negative attitudes which autistic adults and their difficultes they face

    Coming Soon

    A number of new family of projects to arrive soon:

    Reduce the stigma

    Addessing examples of stigma a person with differences faces and the responsbility every need to do on reducing any stigma.

    Visit the Projects index to view the full ranges of projects and campaigns

  • Awareness events summary

    A variety of annual awareness events which occurs throughout the year. 

    Discover many awareness events which you might be interested in.

    Visit the awareness calendar page as part of the diverse differences feature.

    Visit awareness calendar page

    (This is part of Diverse Differences Feature)

  • Potential Services & products

    In long-term, a family of awareness related services, products and social missing activities can be developed which can benefit you and enable greater understanding which enables stability and productive possibilities with your relationship with a person with differences.

    Examples of awareness Products

    * A relationship and interact guidelines which enables sustainable relationships

    * A detailed education material on the human aspects of understanding hidden differences

    * a survival guide which enables a person with differences to help navigate through various aspects of daily lives and specific situations which may occur

    * A personal development and reference tools which can enable a person with differences to enhance how they can organise and manage their life.

    Examples of Services

    Education & training

    Information & Understanding

    Access Awareness Projects

    Customised Solutions

    Further details are available online via Aware+Vision the social enterprise proposals which can deliver with Plus Value Awareness to your organisations and envionment.

    You also get in touch via Keith Mckenzie's Linked-in profile

    Visit Aware+Vision Services & Products page

    (Opens in a new window)

    Keith Mckenzie's Linkedin profile

    (Opens in new window)

  • Potential Social Mission activity

    In the long-term, a family of social mission activities & projects can be developed which can benefit you and enable greater understanding and promotions to promote equality and diversity in valuing a person with hidden differences

    Examples of social mission activity.

    * Social responsibility awareness marketing

    * social responsibility awareness materials

    * Excellence

    * Value Workshops

    Further details are available online via Aware+Vision the social enterprise proposals which can deliver with Plus Value Awareness to your organisation and envionments.

    You also get in touch via Keith Mckenzie's Linked-in profile

    Visit Aware+Vision Social Mission pages

    (Opens in a new window)

    Keith Mckenzie's Linked-in Profile

    (Opens in a new window)

  • About Aware+Vision

    Plus Value Awareness is part of Aware+Vision, a social enterprise proposal to provide services, projects and social mission activities. 

    This goes beyond Plus Value Awareness, it also covers projects including Graphic Design, Selected Photography, Visual art & illustration.

    The website show details of the possibilities with the types of services, products and social mission activities

    Discover more on the Aware+Vision website

    (Opens in a new window)

Visit the Specialised information index

For customised information ranging from Business through to Support providers and awareness organisations

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