easy response

Avoid the easy response
The campaign project originally under the "Differences" banner which encourages society by using a person with invisible difficulties to respond in a way which can harm the affected situation, circumstances & coping mechanisms.

The featured elements of this project includles:

Main Version
This on show a variety many people respond to person with invisible difficulties.

The main text on the poster reads
"People with mental health and with hidden difficulties are as human as you.
If they not intended to cause problems to you why treat them badly? its not their fault"

On the Spot
This poster demonstrates examples how many people react to a person who struggles with on the spot thinking. In other words a person who struggles with thinking on your feet at the same level as an average person

The main text on the poster reads
"People with mental health and with hidden difficulties might have abilities differently to you including on the spot skills
this is not a good reason to peanlise them"

This shows intolerant reaction to a person who is struggle with something particular which an average person takes for granted.
The main text on the poster reads
"People with mental health and with hidden difficulties might struggle on certain things which others take for granted.
This should not means you punish them"

The design related to a person who is don't disclose their difficulties but attempting to manage it affect them however they get undermined with receiving intolerant and disrespectful attitudes.

The main text on the poster reads
"People with mental health and with hidden difficulties might not advertise their difficulties does not mean you should jump to conclusion."

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Differences Originals, providing awareness projects since 2000 and a fundamental feature part of the Plus Value Awareness family
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