A quick information summary based on the fundamentals of "Higher Aspirations" against misconceptions and presumptions..
Not about support or how different they are, they are citizens
A person with hidden differences in society is not about, mental health or as a support needs recipient. They are a member of society and should have their voices heard listened to and taken seriously regardless or not if it relates to others or if it's easy to grasp. Also, we respect their place in society when integrating with everyone
Making sure their insight & perspective of their experiences are paid attention to and not a person's difficulties to automatically dismiss them
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It affects everything.
From short-term memory, managing physical tasks through to interaction and memory the kind of difficulties that can affect how a person lives. Many people have to make adjustments to prevent discrimination and to make sure barriers don't get in the way they manage their lives. So, a person's difficulties are not a choice or a lack of discipline. This means a person's difficulties cannot be switch off or disappear easily, even if they are physically active. Everyone must not make unhelpful remarks such as on treatments and liefestyle and intervention. Instead, we need to respect how a person with differences manages along with adjustments.
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Nobody is perfect, just like everyone else a person with hidden differences should be able to be human and not feel demonised through the difficulties they live with. Some people may not be able to manage situations which many people take for granted. Also, when situations are not going well a person might be struggling or have limited knowledge and know-how. Especially if their difficulties affect their specific tasks and abilities. So we must not use a person's difficulties to make them feel shameful or demonised.
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Not for shaming
Just because a person may appear different with their abilities and faces challenges (with their physical appearances, interactions or relationships) does not mean we should demonise or be ashamed of a person with hidden differences in Society. Rather than impose unrealistic standards & demands we need to be listened to better, have an open mind and be pragmatic with patience to prove a person with hidden differences is not automatically a liability
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Respecting their human rights & dignity
We must value a person with hidden differences without oppression violating their human rights and their rights to choose and decide. This means not using their difficulties to overpower their choices and decisions.
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the Dignity element of the project Valuing Hidden Differences
It is not just about a person's difficulties.
We must not define a person through their difficulties. Many have many positive qualities including strengths and attributes which can be beneficial to communities. Discovering how beneficial their strengths and attributes can be when at work at leisure with friendships & relationships. Also to pay attention to a person's hidden potential. This cannot happen if a person is valued and encouraged in the first place
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So in conclusion, not to see a person with Hidden Differences as a limitation. They are unique people who achieve and thrive through higher aspirations.
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