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Higher Aspirations is not just a stylised expression, it is the fundamentals of developing projects, campaigns and information which goes beyond the conventional approach in understanding Hidden Differences.
This is about valuing a person with a higher level of direction. However, this means changing perceptions, challenging attitudes and behaviours that affect a person's, daily life. This means not limiting a person's difficulties within traditional approaches related to medical and care issues.
It goes further more than that.
From Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia through to Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety it is not just focusing on a person's difficulties or the one sided preceptions. So, when high aspirations is mentioned, it means that we see the human aspects and to value a person with hidden differences, not shaming and demonising.
The Key areas
The fundamentals of higher aspirations towards hidden differences include
Respecting, and protecting a person's Dignity and human rights. Also to enable a person to be human and respect their choices, preferences and procreative. This means not using a person's Difficulties or not using generalisations to oppose or mistreat.
The right to choose to integrate and be an inclusive member of society. This means a person's difficulties should not be automatically divided or excluded. However, we must discourage intolerance & ableist prejudice which can cause many life barriers.
Appreciating hidden differences as a participant in communities, working environments and throughout society. This means valuing a person as a citizen and not limiting a person related to care & medical experiences.
Represent a person with hidden differences by looking beyond a person's Difficulties and getting to know their positive achievements agonist their strengths and attributes
To enable a person to take responsibility to take control of the issues that affect them. However, we must respect any type of adjustment to make sure a person's difficulties are not a disadvantage.
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Higher Aspirations are not just about demanding particular standards and expectations (including disregarding their difficulties) which could be unrealistic. It is about recognising a person's qualities through their strengths and attributes. Respecting how a person manages well and embraces their positive qualities. Without pressure this enables a person to make informed decisions and potentially self driven to achieve positively. However, we must respect a person's individuality and a person's circumstances and their diverse background
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