Summary & Tips
A summary of tips & guides to enable stability and sustainability.
Tips for the general public and for any contacts of a person with hidden differences
* Understand a person with differences stability levels
* Pay even more attention to when the person is being very mentally and emotionally compromised
* Spend the extra time and show some support without any judgement responses
* If they make effort and offer things for you such as offering to buy you a drink at a bar or offering to meet with you for a quality time chat, it is important to approve to display appreciation.
* Monitor how your personality & ethics could harm or damage a person's stability or coping mechanisms.
* See beyond your perceived
* Be aware of conflicting issues that might cause an impact on how a person with differences in their daily life.
* Support and respect their sense of value
* Spend extra time with them and have an open mind
* When they are not around regularly, think of them and randomly get in touch
* If they are reaching out to you accept their efforts on occasions and don't keep rejecting their existence.
* Don't use their differences to undermine their sense of belonging
* If they are struggling avoid making character judgements or using your personality to create confrontational environments against them.
* Never use their differences, circumstances and how they mage to make fun of or shame them.
* Let them be understood and avoid misinterpreting them.
Elements of Value
Valuing Hidden Differences
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