dont underestimate attitudes


The conditions and difficulties linked with specific hidden difficulties are life-long and untreatable. However, a poor understanding of negative attitudes can easily occur against them. The examples below show potential triggers of mental health for a person with differences

Examples of attitudes against a person with differences

* Intolerance, impatience and hostility against their a person's differences & difficulties
* Typecasting of lacking discipline or mental toughness.
* Harassment attitudes include mocking, intimidation and hatred threats.
* Judging their differences as less intelligent with insulting labels against their intelligence
* Using the person's differences to escalate negative stigma and marginalisation by persistent manipulation and bullying. With an overall aim to damage a person with differences creditability and to deliberately bring the worst out of them
* Being pressurised and threatened into compromising situations beyond what they can manage
* When their sense of value is ignored and regarded as worthless.
* When misinterpretation occurs it can lead to a confrontational situation that compromises a person with differences dignity.
* When a person with differences is frustrated when they don't feel they are listened to or undermined on how they saying or they can get easily blamed if they are upset.

Looking beyond Traditional approach

Due to a lack of concise knowledge, a person with differences can face outdated and unhelpful guidance such as therapy, treatments, along with mental toughness and become physically fit.

These factors may be helpful in the short term and can backfire if a person's difficulties are disregarded. This includes not listening to the persons with differences, experiences, insights and feelings.

Also, what is ignored is how they can manage through variations situations & climates they may face. This can mean they cope with the situation worst and face harmful consequences

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