The condition is mainly associated with difficulities in sight & vision, along with reading & writing which is life long.
However there are other examples of difficulties which many people with Dyslexia live with including:
Difficulties Examples
The examples of the difficulties which is not visibly obvious
Summary Information
On-the-spot ability & memory
* Memory including short-term memory
Physical appearance & actions
* Difficulties to carry out or sequence or directions
* Difficulties in rapid visual responding
Reading, writing & calculation
* Spelling, reading
* Phonological processing (The manipulation of words)
The other examples mentioned on this page can also affect skills in reading, writing and calculation skills in Mathematics.
Related difficulties
The condition is mainly associated with difficulties in learning, comprehending and arithmetic.
Some of the examples include difficulties in reading along with clocks & watches. Distinguishing the greater amount between two numbers displayed.
Visualising and calculating numbers (including multiplication, subtraction, addition, division).
Also, mental arithmetic, memory including recalling numbers, distinguishing between left and right, financial-related planning, spatial awareness (including shapes, distance, and volume measurements), understanding Time schedule and time management, walking backwards, concentrating on mentally intense tasks, remembering names.
Further Information
The following organisations had further details on the overall aspects of Dyslexia, which covers many topics & issues. Many provide a range of services available either to the general public or to businesses and organisations.
* Dyslexia Action (UK)
* British Dyslexia Association (UK)
* Dyslexia Research Trust
* Made by Dyslexia
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