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ADHD edition:

The Guide

The condition ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

It is mainly associated with difficulties in paying attention.

ADHD can be wrongly misinterpreted with examples at extreme levels such as excessive activity & difficulty in controlling behaviour. These & other extreme examples do not apply to everyone with the same condition.

The invisible & mild element of ADHD

In the comparison of the above information, independent people with ADHD are highly articulate and intelligent. Also, they are very self-aware to prevent the extreme examples mentioned. However, their difficulties can affect their day-to-day life and their coping mechanisms. 

Difficulties Examples

The examples of the difficulties which is not visibly obvious

On-the-spot ability & memory

* Difficulty in focusing on one task

* Processing information quickly & accurately

* Difficulty in time management

Physical appearance & actions

* Organising time & meeting deadlines

* Memorising several actions in order within a task such as Cooking.

* Difficulty on practical tasks. 

* Arms may appear floppy when running

* Struggling with rhythm when dancing or during aerobics

* Difficulty in changing direction, stopping and starting any actions.

* If they have flat feet then they have certain difficulties in walking.

* Their body posture might be challenging and can cause fatigue, especially if their muscle tone is not as strong as an average person.

* Several obstacles which affect many practical tasks with both hands and to manage & handle many types of items of all types.

Other difficulties

In addition to the information shown, there are additional types of difficulties an ADHD person may face including:

* List making

* Memory along with short-term memory

* Remembering instructions

* Difficulty in physical & practical tasks. 

* Memorising several tasks at once

* Organising time and meeting deadlines.

* The short term memory can have an affect on any reading, writing & calculation


The key strengths for people with ADHD include better Visual-spatial skills. This means they perform highly in tasks such as reading Maps, following dance moves and solving mathematical problems 

Find out more by visiting the special Advantage project page on ADHD

ADHD Advantage

Further information

The following organisations have more details on the detailed and overall aspects of ADHD, which cover many topics & issues. Many provide a range of services available either to the general public or to businesses and organisations.


ADHD Foundation

ADHD Focus

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