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The Guide

Pathological demand avoidance or PDA covers various difficulties which can affect specific tasks and can cauase an affect with environments & situations.

Unlike other hidden differences, the effects are not specific areas of impairment of skills, abilities and qualities. Instead, the difference is the effects of received communications, surroundings and situations.

The condition has specific ties with the autistic spectrum and can lead to unstable situations such as anxiety and overload when being psychological and emotionally compromised.

The information on this page is a quick summary of how life affects a PDA person.

Please refer to the PDA Society website for comprehensive information.

The website link is near the bottom of this page

Examples of causes

Examples of causes including

Recieveing direct and ordering communication


The effects of hunger

Specificn environments and surroundings

Combination Overload of pressures, demands and expectations

Examples of avoidance

Examples of avoidance including

Everyday demands

Any request leads to a hunger

Environments and surrounding people

Pleaee note

The kind of avoidance can vary from person to person and the volume can depend on the variating coping capacity levels

There is no generalisation of how PDA affect each person.

There's are some examples but they are a lot of other factors to consider along with guides and approaches. The PDA Society provides detailed information which along with tips, guides & resources

In addition the National Autistic Society also provides some information.

Further information

Visit the websites below to find out more

PDA Society National Autistic Society

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