About woman differences

Women with Hidden Differences:

The Guide

A look how life affect women with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia & Dyspraxia

There are some information explains the distinctions between how hidden differences affect women from men

Difficulties Examples

The examples of the difficulties which is not visibly obvious

Communication & Social interaction

* Some women with Autism have fewer boundaries in social communication and can appear more neurotypical.
* They can socially blend & adapt to different environments better than men.
* Because of this it can be harder for a woman to be diagnosed.
* As mentioned elsewhere women can mask their difficulties however it can lead to being easily disbelieved and being unfairly misinterpreted.
* Women can largely manage better with verbal tasks than men.
* Since childhood women can have interests that are very similar compared to a neurotypical woman.
* If a woman is exercising their dignity if they speak out if something is not right or receiving a wrong service, they can be judged against their character & integrity. This can also occur if surrounding environments are overbearing.

Physical appearance & actions

In comparison to Men, Women tend to be diagnosed with less hypersensitivity or impulsiveness because of this women with ADHD can be often ignored or unnoticed.

Women tend to manage better with Motor coordination better than Men

Social Anxiety
A woman can display fewer signs of repetitive behaviour

On the spot ability & memory

A woman can internalise their difficulties that can lead to Anxiety. The level of anxiety can be higher than women including low self-esteem.

It can affect their feeling about themselves, especially from the past and when they face challenges & obstacles in education, achieving goals and relationships.

Women can be able to mask their difficulties better than their male counterparts

Social Anxiety
Just like Women with Autism they can be able to mask their difficulties better than their male counterparts
Anxiety in women can occur in communication, especially the effect on receiving specific criticism.

Some studies have identified differences between men & women in mind related functions. This can include emotions, memory, hearing and speech. This is known as grey matter
Some Women with Dyslexia can have grey matter challenges with the sensory and motor process.
(While Men have a grey matter challenges with process language and the effect on the left side of the brain)

Women can face many challenges including using eyeliner and wearing High-heel shoes

Other information

According to the National Research Center (USA), women with ADHD tend to have other disorders or conditions that can affect their mood and how they cope with their lives.

As mentioned else women with autism can be easily disbelieved. They can be wrongly seen as unworthy and be made to prove themselves

There is conflicting research with some mention that there are no major variations between women & men while other research mentions there are some distinctive variations on how Dyslexia affects women.

Please note
The information on this page is a summary insight of examples of difficulties from multiple sources.

It is not intended to provide every examples.

Even though these examples are related to phycological & learning related conditions, please note this initiative focuses more on the human aspects and real life experiences and will not defined, behaviour judgements only based on perceptions or address any topics on the medical aspects alone.

Plus Value Awareness cannot be responsible in any errors on this page which may occur

including Psy Central & American Psycholocal Association, Science Daily, Vercieda, Anxiety.org

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