This webpage to be updated soon
The contents from this page are previous version of supporting this event
Value + Eqaulity
Plus Value Awareness support this annual event.
Explore below the discover information, features and showcase projects
This online special is available throughout March
Original Content
New blog
for this year's event
The project director has written an insight article for IWD. Addressing a bigger picture of valuing women including hidden differences and how equality and equal environments between women & men are more beneficial than you think
Visit the new blog "Value+Equality for a fairer world"
Available by the insight blog on WordPress The project director has written an insight article for IWD.
Previous Content
Blog: Stop, Think & Change
An advisory blog for men to change attitudes and behavour towards women (including with hidden differences)
Insight Blog: My responsibility & challenges
The project director personal expressions on his responsibility on showing support and the boundaries
Support statement
Plus Value Awareness support statement by Project Director Keith McKenzie
It is essential to respect, support and value every woman around the world. An important reminder that the quality and diversity of women are an important guide that affects every person in every part of society.
It is also equally important to understand and to value women living with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety.
This is the fourth year of Plus Value Awareness supporting International Women's Day and the second year supporting Women's History Month.
For many years I have addressed the importance of valuing women regardless of ability or background. The two principles areas remain which must not be ignored. This includes valuing women with hidden differences and an equal environment for both women and men having a positive effect on diversity and equality to everyone.
For the first time ever I am using Plus Value Awareness to supporting International Women's Day face to face at a major expo and conferences to mark this event with listening to the featured voices and spead the word of positive inspiration.
Other projects to explore
from the Plus Value
Awareness family
Collection projects
Specialised projects related to valuing women with hidden differences
Advantage Women
Special version of a project which embraces the strengths and atrributes
Women Achievers
A list of achievers and role models with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety
About Women with Hidden Differences
Summary of understanding information
Positive Value
The starting point to value and embrace hidden differences as citizens
Elements of Value
Information and visual art, exploring the five elements of a positive sense of value
Valuing Hidden Differences
Detailed factors in valuing hidden differences beyond understanding
Value & Dignity
Exploring the important factor of a positve sense of value
Event information
Plus Value Awareness supports an important awareness event takes place every year on March the 8th and throughout the month.
International Women's Day
It is intended to focus on the human rights of women around the world.
The day has been honoured from way back in the early 20th Century when a proposal of the day happened in 1910 by the international socialist women's conference. A year later in 1911, the day was recognised in parts of Europe which lead to an annual event then over a period of time more countries began to support the day. Then in 1975, the United Nations began to honour on this day. Before that, there was a national women's Day in the United States back in 1909 in New York organised by the socialist party of America on a different date during February.
The event is presented as a way of recognising the achievements of women in the world (past & present) while addressing and campaigning on human rights, equality and diversity. In addition campaigning against injustice, discrimination and sexism.
Since 1996 a different theme has been developed by the United Nations.
Communities, business, public services and the media get involved in activities, campaigns, events and features for International Women's Day.
Women's History Month
This is an annual event throughout March to educate and embrace the positive contributions to Women past and present. It started in 1978 in Sonoma County, California in the United States by Gerda Lerner and the National Women's History Alliance. Originally was known as Women's History Day, this became a national week and then in 1980 it became a month-long event in the United States. This event expanded internationally around the world since 1987. The month-long event is celebrated in countries like the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.
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