Plus Value Awareness support this annual event.
Explore below the discover information, features and showcase projects
This online special is available throughout December and available online until 6th January 2024
Showcase project
Blog: Balanced Passions
Widen out passion to value disabilities & with difficulties
Support statement from Keith Mckenzie, Project Director
We need to understand and respect everyone who has different types of disabilities or differences. From learning, blindness, injury, cognitive, developmental, intellectual, mental, physical & sensory.
We also need to have tolerance and patience and not use a person's disabilities or differences to be disrespected, undervalued or to cause any sort of shame.
We all have to make sure society is inclusive and for all people with all types of disabilities to be a positive participant in the world.
Special developments
from the Project Director
New for supporting this year's event
Disability related Participation on consultation and insight publications
For Department for Work & Pensions on changes to Work Capability Assessments
New for supporting this year's event
Inclusive to dance
From the project Inclusive Differences focusing on inclusive dancing for neurodiversity, invisible disabilities and those experences anxiety
Connected projects
Blog: Equality must not be at the expense of disabilities and with difficulties
The importance of an equal and not a divided approach
Blog: Inclusive, not generalise and exclude
Not to misrepresent disabilities and with difficuilties and improve inclusivity
Blog: Save the planet and value society
Pay greater attention in how we treat each other as well as saving the planet
Other projects to explore
Positive Value
The starting point to value and embrace hidden differences as citizens
Inclusive Hidden Differences
The importance of inclusivity
Diverse Achievers
A bitesize project to celebrate achievers and role models with hidden differences
Updated for late 2022 into early 2023
Focusing on strengths and attributes
Valuing Hidden Differences
Detailed factors in valuing hidden differences beyond understanding
Elements of Value
Information and visual art, exploring the five elements of a positive sense of value
Value & Dignity
Exploring the important factor of a positve sense of value
Event Information
Plus Value Awareness supports an important awareness event takes place every year on December the 3rd.
The international observance was created back in 1992 and is promoted by the United Nations. The day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and their support of dignity, human rights and to maintain health & well-being.
Follow the discussion during International Day of Persons with Disabilities
on social media
Recommended Organisations
Visit the United Nations website to find out more