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A summary of details about this special online feature
Welcome to Unity forward, the information and encouragement feature.
Unity Forward is a special feature which provides a family of short messages & reminders that encourage them to value, respect and show appreciation.
For hidden Differences, this feature is a reminder to value themselves and not let challenging situations hold them back.
For contacts of hidden differences
To remind them of different factors to encourage them to value hidden differences and to reach out and show appreciation.
For the general public and society as a whole. This feature provides certain reminders to see the person not perceptions or typecasts. Regardless of the ever-changing trends climate or circumstances we must make hidden differences feel ignored or left behind
This feature was launched in 2020 during the worldwide pandemic as a response to how many voices of hidden differences that they felt ignored and undervalued. Especially their difficulties held them back from being able to reach out compared to other people with general abilities to do more things which led them to be classified as heroes and role models.
It led to the development of the unity forward feature and the family of social media posts to help hidden differences feel valued and encouraged just like the rest of society. The elements of the features were focused on these categories' areas
Consider and belonging
Mindset and allowances
Morale and accomplishment
Well-being, stability and esteem
During the worldwide pandemic, this feature also included two additional elements.
This includes information to provide links to official web pages on Covid-19 guidance in the UK and Worldwide
Also a reminder webpage called Show your Appreciation enables everyone part of society to value and appreciate value hidden differences any direct contact and to any involved in awareness campaigning, support and any services specifically for hidden differences
In 2021 a special Unity Forward insight document was published on factors on how the worldwide pandemic has affected hidden differences and provides suggestions to make sure hidden differences are not a disadvantage beyond the Pandemic
In December this online was expanded to provide links to the available services and helplines which provide support, guidance and information titled "In Touch"
In 2024 the Unity Forward feature was given an updated look which enables this feature. This enables for this awareness initiative committment to provide information, reminders and encouragement beyond the worldwide pandemic
Written by Keith McKenzie, Project Director, Plus Value Awareness
Nobody could predict the change back in 2020 & 2021 in how we live our lives with the pandemic which affected many families and communities. It has lead to many people to feel can feel uncertain concerns. However, at the time some wonderful people have reached out to make a positive difference to us all.
Despite all these positives, some person living with Hidden differences (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety) can find the whole situation fearful and in some situations very impossible. Especially if they have been ignored during these challenging times.
I created the Unity Forward feature to change this narrative.
The aim of this feature si to provide a family of information, messages and a reminder that we need to be together, inclusive and to value those with hidden differences. These factors will continue to reminded to everyone today and in the future.
The meaning behind unity forward title is about being unified in a forward-thinking direction during and beyond the pandemic which has affected every corner on earth. This includes being inclusive and accommodating towards families and individuals living with hidden differences.
Insight document
An publication had been made addressing many changes have been made in how we function our lives seince the worldwide pandemic. Certain examples of changes may be challenging for individuals with hidden differences, especially if no accommodating measures are made which can make live challenging. So we must make sure that a person with differences must not be a disadvantage in the long term.
A special insight documents has been developed to remind the importance of a person with differences in society beyond the restrictions and pandemic. With the overall message to improve inclusivity and to be much more accommodating towards individuals with hidden differences.
Please spread the word with this online feature on social media and the individuals, families and communities who will benefit from this feature.
Thank you for your support
Discover the Unity Forward feature