Unity Forward in touch

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In Touch

A special information webpage with online links to helplines, advice and support who may need assistance or someone to talk to

Select the links below

Please note

Plus Value Awareness and the project director is not responsible for the content with the external website links

Some of the website links provides an information, support and advice helplines. However, please check availability during Public Holidays including Christmas and New Year.

The website links applies for people living in the United Kingdom

The website and helpline for anyone who is struggling to cope

Provides Confidential text messaging support 24 hours a day

Provides mental health support

Campaign against Living Miserably
Support charity providing listen support against suicide

No panic
Supporting people with panic attacks, phobias, anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders

Providing support for women & children who experienced domestic violence

UK Government information website against abuse and violence of women & girls

The website and helpline for male and young people victims of domestic abuse

Stop Hate UK

The website for those experencing hate crime

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