Transform improvements

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You may have noticed some changes has started to appear online, but this is just the beginning.

A new brand identity, a new fundamental campaign, a new family of awareness projects and features along with making some changes to existing features.

Major Developments

New brand identity

A new brand that incorporates the modified guided star symbol in new colours and within a new curved value shape.
The new look & presentation style has started to appear on the banner on this website and the associated blog pages on WordPress. The new look will start to appear shortly on social media profiles and cover images. A new family of post templates has started to appear on social media.

Visit the new identity information page

New Look page

Higher Aspirations

A new fundamental feature has been launched which coincides with a change of tagline. The new higher aspirations feature replaces the welcome page. The feature includles a summary background on valuing hidden differences towards higher aspirations and a lowdown summary of understanding hidden differences against myths and presumptions.

Visit the "Higher Aspirations" mini-feature

Higher Aspirations index

Projects & feature structure changes

The primary awareness features is now replaced by project categories identified by the new family of pictorials. This appears in the project index and is a direct link from the home page. In addition, a focus version of the project section of the website highlighting the five primary projects as a starting point to explore the projects and information.

Projects index

Major Blog changes

The two blog pages on Tumblr (plus value insight & Events+ showcase) will gradually be transferred into the newly created Plus Value Awareness insight blog on WordPress. It will incorporates a new focus mini index for articles supporting events linked with the feature "Events+"

New insight blog

Other Developments so far

Major changes to the online feautures "Awareness Focus" and "Understanding Series"

New changes have started to transfom both online features into a combined intergrated feature
So far the new look have started to appear to the Awareness Focus index pages and the new style connected pages which is redesigned and the removal of colour coding. Also the customised version of projects linked with focused neurological difficulties have been recieved an updated look.
The new improvements are currently in progress with more changes to come.

Visit a specially made information page on the deatils on what is being planned to the "Awareness Focus" & "Understanding Series" features

Changes information

Visit the Awareness Focus index to explore the improved access to specialised information, projects and blog articles

Awareness Focus index

Changes to features "Events+" & "Diverse Differences"

The online features Events+ and Diverse Differences has received the new presentation look. With some additional changes to both features. The projects pages linked with Diverse Differences Projects and Exclusive projects has recieved an updated look.

Since October a new look to the information pages for supporting awareness events have started to be rolled out on a gradual basis. As part of the changes to the Events+ index page will present the orginal content & online specials at a glance when multiple events occur within the same calendar month. This replaces the previously created showcase specials. Also the the "Events+" feature has expanded with the web pages "Awareness Calandar" and "Supporting events" pages.

Events+ index Diverse Differences index

The About section updated
The about the section of the website recived the udpated with the simplified contents to discover. Seleted webpages from the about index is also updated including: Online features, About Summary, Aims & Objectives, Specialised Information, History in detail, Insight and analysis publication page and blog information pages. Other pages will be updated on a gradual basis.

The About index page

Home page
The website home page has recently been redesigned to simplify how the links are displayed to a specific family of projects and online features.

What else is being planned

With the new look there will be some changes to how this website will be presented and will be rolled out on a gradual basis.

Short term
Major changes planned to the online features The Understanding Series and awareness focus and the customised projects pages for specific difficulties and for diverse backgrounds.

Immediate term

The new look continues to be rolled out to the online features including "Differences Originals" & "Unity Forward".

Other improvements to come
A new marketing campaign for the general public titled "Senses" focuses on changing how we approach and treat hidden differences

Looking ahead

All of the existing projects and features will receive an updated look.

A new family of evolved awareness blogs and social media stories aimed at particular communities

Also, expanding is being planned to how awareness information and projects are communicated onto video and short stories videos

Watch out for developments here on the Transformation mini feature, social media and on the Plus Value Awareness Update blog on WordPress.

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