Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day

10th September


World Suicide Prevention Month

Plus Value Awareness support this annual event. 

Explore below the discover information, features and showcase projects

Original content


Blog: Everyone is responsible for reducing suicidal risk

How our actions and judgements can affect how a person with hidden differences cope in daily life

Read the blog on Wordpress

Support statement

Plus Value Awareness comment 

by Keith McKenzie

Suicide can occur to a person with hidden differences. Especially with many life challenges and can make life very difficult to cope and can damage their self-worth. 

What everyone need to do

We all need to value a person with differences better and support and provide empathy. At the same time not to use unrealistic expectations, vanity and inaccurate perceptions to misjudge and to mistreat a person with differences.

Instead to be patient to listen, show appreciation, support and value a person with differences. Everyone is responsible to prevent suicide.

Please note

The online special for Sucidal Prevention will remain available online thoughout September

Recommended projects

will appear here

Don't Understimate

Focusing How mental health can affect hidden differences

Find out more

Valuing Hidden Differences

As well as understanding we need to value a person with hidden differences

Visit the project index

Elements of Value

Information and visual art, exploring the five elements of a positive sense of value

View the project

Value & Dignity

Focusing on the importance of dignity and human rights

Find out more

Recommended Information

In Touch

From the online feature "Unity Forward" a special collection of helpines and contacts who may need assistance or someone to talk to.

Visit the information page

Event information

World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day (Also known as World Day for Suicidal prevention) is the worldwide annual event since 2003. Developed by The International Association for Suicide Prevention in collaboration with the World Health Organisation and Works Federation of Mental Health. 

It estimated that every 40 seconds someone on the world dies by suicide (Source: International Association for Suicide Prevention).

Many organisations & communities in every corner of the globe participate when enable to make a positive difference to prevent suicide

World Suicide Prevention Month

Throughout September, organisations, organisations, public authorities and companies from around the world have developed ways in preventing of suicide including projects, campigns and support.

Visit the offical website from The International Association of Suicidal Prevention

Offical Website

Follow the discussion during World Suicide Prevention Day


Follow the discussion during World Suicide Prevention Month


Diverse Differences is connected with
The special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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