A summary of specially created showcase and exclusive projects for support events from previous months
International day of Happiness
Blog: Not use Happiness to take advantage
The project director has written an insight article for International Day of Happiness on how we show not use happiness at the expense of hidden differences
Visit the new blog "Not use happiness to take advantage"
Available by the insight blog on WordPress
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Blog: Connected World
The project director has written an insight article for Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Looking beyond employment and education.

Visit the new blog "Connected World"
Available by the insight blog on WordPress
International Women's Day
Women's History Month
Blog: Value+Equaility
The project director has written an insight article for IWD. Addressing a bigger picture of valuing women including hidden differences and how equality and equal environments between women & men are more beneficial than you think
Visit the new blog "Value+Equality for a fairer world"
Available by the insight blog on WordPress The project director has written an insight article for IWD.
World Human Rights Day
Blog: Balanced Representation
Improve representation of disabilities & those with difficulties
International Day for Person's with Disabilities
Blog: Balanced Passions
Widen out passion to value disabilities & with difficulties
Disability History Month
Blog: Stop the after thought mindset
Discourge undervaluing disabilities & difficulties place on society
Give Us A Break Campaign
Blog: It’s time to stop the trivalisation
Changing from typecasts and presumtions towards an autistic person
Anti-Bullying Week
Give Us A Break Campaign
Blog: Living with specific difficulties is not a laughing matter
National Hate Crime Awareness Week
Blog: No Excuse for hatred
A reminder to discorage hatred and ableism
Black History Month
ADHD Awareness Month
Dyslexia Awareness Week & Month
Dyspraxia Awareness Week
Invisible Disabilies Week
Blog: Be Smart
A series of mini blog articles to change our projectsions & presumptions
Read each blog on WordPress
World Mental Health Day
Blog: Stop Normalising Shaming
Changing attitudes when mental health occours
World Suicide Prevention Day
Blog: Everyone is responsible for reducing suicidal risk
How our actions and judgements can affect how a person with hidden differences cope in daily life
Mental Health Awareness Week
Blog: Stop dividing people related to mental health
Challenging attitides when hidden differences experencing mental health
PDA Day & Week
Blog: Difficulties, not charectistics or choices
Be careful on responses when avoidance occurs
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue Development
Blog: Change from misprepresenation
Against making inaccurate judgement on some people with hidden who may not have a represnted voice
Stress Awareness Month
Distant Goalpost
Addressing how changing society expectations and perceptive attitudes can affect a person with differences cope and manage
World Autism Acceptance Day & Month
Two sides: Acceptance and no acceptance
How acceptance is not enough to value an autistic person
World Autism Celebration Week
World Autism Acceptance Day & Month
Blog: Beyond just Awareness & Understanding
Looking higher beyond the minimum approach towards an autistic person
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Blog: Beware of the limits and hurdles
The importance of maintaining sustainability
Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Blog: Beyond the main point
Looking beyond opportunites and the short term
International Women's Day
Women's History Month
Blog: Value Society by Valuing Women
Reminding the wider context that a fair society can only happen if we value women better
International Women's Day
Women's History Month
Blog: Stop, Think & Change
An advisory blog for men to change attitudes and behavour towards women (including with hidden differences)
International Women's Day
Women's History Month
Insight Blog: My responsibility & challenges
The project director personal expressions on his responsibility on showing support and the boundaries
International Day of Happiness
Blog: Change the balance of happiness
Respecting hidden differences persuit of happiness Valuing hidden differences towards happiness without distruptions and obstacles
World Human Rights Day
Blog: A danger against human rights
Be aware of an increasing danger when a person with hidden differences is excercising their human rights
International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Blog: Equality must not be at the expense of disabilities and with difficulties
The importance of an equal and not a divided approach
Anti-Bullying Week and
Give Us A Break Campaign
Blog: Monitor How people are defined
The kind of prejudice which can lead to damaging bullying
Anti-Bullying Week and
Give Us A Break Campaign
Blog: So many excuses, no real reason
Stop accepting any excuses of bullying
National Hate Crime Awareness Week,
Anti-Bullying Week and
Give Us A Break Campaign
Blog: Hidden voices of prejudice and hatred
We need to listen to all voices who have experenced prejudice and hatred
National Hate Crime Awareness Week,
Anti-Bullying Week and
Give Us A Break Campaign
Blog: We must stop encouraging bullying and hatred
Some of choices and peferences can wrongly encourge bullying and hatred
For Dyslexia Awareness Week
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Blog: Open your mind beyond difficulties
A quick reminder to look beyond perceptions
for Dyspraxia Awareness Week
Blog: Time to look beyond perceptions
Looking beyond difficulties
For World Mental Health Day
Blog: Stop the closed mindset
Listening to ground level voices with open minds
for Black History Month
(UK & Europe)
Blog: Change from negative perceptions
Improve how we treat multicultural people with hidden differences
for World Mental Health Day
Blog: Break the parallel approach to mental health
Remove the barriers when hidden differences face mental health & Anxiety