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Stop bullying autistic people
Society might be passionate, observant, perceptive and judgemental. All these are other qualities that may be beneficial to society if it's used right.
But it is never acceptable to these examples as an excuse to misjudge or mistreat an autistic person.
Their existence in society is not a form of amusement or to use as a vanity judgement. Also, it is never acceptable to make practical or physical pranks.
An autistic person cannot choose their difficulties, they have to live with them 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Because of the difficulties, they live with it can affect particular abilities which most people take for granted. This means they face many challenges and boundaries which affect them in many ways including their ability to function through to accessing many life opportunities.
Everyone is different and not the same so
* Drawing attention to how different an autistic appear is not smart.
* Disrespecting an autistic person on their difficulties is a disgrace.
* Discriminating, trivialising and inciting hated towards an autistic person is unacceptable.
We need also to think about how we respond when an autistic person reports and informs bullying or a hatred incident. Downgrading and dismissing the situation does let the problem goes away. Instead, it can escalate to a level of a life of misery when it can ruin and damage life and any type of opportunity. Sadly some use bullying to ruin people lives.
The appearance prejudice person can escalate the matter further if the autistic person by misguiding them create hostility or would spread lives to others to demonise the autistic person who was bullied.
Also when these situations occur some witnesses nearby let the incident escalate by not responding to display their support or would disrespect a person with differences if they standing up for themselves or seen upset.
Challenging attitudes and showing support and resilience is essential to enable an autistic person to live their life authentically. Therefore, everyone needs to take responsibility. It is not an autistic problem it is a society problem.
Society needs to be smart
We need to widen how we judge others who are different to the majority of society. So if they are seen alone or with their family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues (at work or education) We need to stop singling out or shaming autistic people. This means everywhere from public places, places of work & education, social environments through to social media
An autistic person has the right to speak and not stand for any bullying. We respect their dignity and human rights, not oppress their voice.
So we need to, change our perceptions, take autistic people seriously, challenge bullying attitudes and respect their dignity and human rights.
Overall, stop bullying Autistic people.
This is part of Plus Value Awareness commitment to supporting Anti-Bullying Week and Give Us A Break Campaign, all year round.
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Visit the official Give Us A Break webpage via Anna Kennedy Online website
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Zero Toxic
The detailed information and campiagn against misjudgement and mistratement including discrimination, bullying & hate.