Effects of bullying

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The effects of bullying

An Exclusive project supporting   Anti-Bullying Week and Give Us the Break

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Many people in society may associate bullying with trivialising name-calling. It is much more than and it has harmful consequences for a person's life especially if bullying doesn't disappear when the person has attempted to ignore it.

This special project explore some examples

Loneliness & exclusion
A person with hidden differences who has displayed any emotional side effects can be wrongly discredited when the people around them may not want to be around including being accused of projecting negative energy.

There will be occasions when a person with differences need to share or to confide with someone on their expertise. However, some people would reject their approach and make responses like "I'm the wrong person to talk to"

Denied opportunities
Bullying can cause damaging effects when it comes to accessing a variety of different opportunities including education, employment and also it could affect social inclusivity friendships & dating. This can lead to a situation when a person with differences can be left behind.

Dignity & human rights ignored & abuse
Some people would bully a person with differences by deliberately violating their dignity and human rights. This can happen in a variety of ways including pressing a person to deny them staying up for themselves when are being mistreated.

Mental Health
The major side effects of bullying can lead to mental health challenges and can go further which can lead to depression if their self-worth has been damaged.

If a person with differences has received an excessive amount of bullying, discrimination and hatred and have faced injustice when taking action can make a person marginalised and alienated

These are just some examples and of the side effects of bullying but everyone needs to pay more attention and instead be more supportive and empathetic

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© Copyright Keith Mckenzie

A reminder that Plus Value Awareness cannot accept any responsibility if any errors which may occur

This is part of Plus Value Awareness commitment to supporting Anti-Bullying Week and Give Us A Break Campaign, all year round.

Follow the links below to explore

Visit the official Anti-Bullying Week website

Anti-Bullying Week website

Visit the official Give Us A Break webpage via Anna Kennedy Online website

Give Us A Break campaign webpage

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Discover other projects to explore
Discover the "Diverse Differences" showcase Project 
"Think Twice" 

The bitesize campiagn against any sort of bullying.
Discover "Think Twice" project

Zero Toxic

The detailed information and campiagn against misjudgement and mistratement including discrimination, bullying & hate.

Discover "Zero Toxic" project
 Positive Value: Valuing Everyone

Valuing hidden differences place in society
Discover "Valuing everyone" webpage

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This project is part of diverse differences the special feature which includles a family of bitesize projects and campaigns which empowers differences as well as reminding the importance a smarter sense of value

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