It doesn't need to be like this
A person with invisible difficulties should be given the space to develop themselves and to gain knowledge & any expertise without any pressures. They need to be supported to be strategic and be not be made to feel a certain way or to be be dictated at.
This can lead to people with invisible difficulties to be smarter, defiant and be not too dependent on others. At the same time to be independent minded and to have their space to develop themselves without any pressures or demands
The purpose of the valued more is to people with invisible difficulities to able to smarter, empowered and become more self suffucient. This includes gaining better abilities and qualities. Also able to be smarter on any situation or obstacles throws at them.
This is important to show self value and self worth. This leads to be respected and valued more in society no matter what their circumstances.
If you have suggestions and ideas on subjects and issues to be featured or expand on any an existing topic featured, then this website would like to hear from you. Also if you would to contribute, share your topics & issues and would like to participate and to featured please get in touch