A seclection of specialised projects in supporting events related to Neurodiversity, It incluldes projects featured on the Events+ Showcase blog, Plus Value Awareness insight blog and on the exclusive projects linked with the feature Diverse Differences.
Plus, other insights and articles not related to supporting events.
Explore by selecting the links below
Specially themed project throughout the year
Beyond Perceptions
Widen our minds and look beyond how a person are percieved
General connected projects
Blog: Connected World
The project director has written an insight article for Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Looking beyond employment and education.
Visit the new blog "Connected World"
Available by the insight blog on WordPress
Blog: Beyond the main point
Looking beyond opportunites and the short term
Blog: Beware of the limits and hurdles
The importance of maintaining sustainability
See neurodiversity beyond perceptions
There is a lot more to neurodiversity beyond employment opportunities
Don't Misinterpet Neurodiversity
A reminder not to disrespect and make resonable allowances
Exclusive project from the Diverse Differences feature
The power of Neurodiversity
Bitesize summary of the positive aspects
Useful links
To view more these and other project visit the following links below
Diverse Differences Exclusive
A specialised family of projects linked with the empowering online feature
Events+ Showcase blog on Tumblr
Focused article linked with supporting different awareness events
Plus Value Awareness insight blog on Tumblr
Providing an additional awareness insight and analysis articles to the general projects presented online.