Highlighting information, specialised insight & exclusive content to support different events during the month.
Explore the links below to the original content supporting awareness events in May
Blog: Stop dividing people related to mental health
Challenging attitides when hidden differences experencing mental health
Blog: Difficulties, not charectistics or choices
Be careful on responses when avoidance occurs
Blog: Change from misprepresenation
Against making inaccurate judgement on some people with hidden who may not have a represnted voice
Special feature by Project Director during May
Embace Dancing
Presenting specialised projects and developments which support dancing for hidden differences
Additional content developed recently
Mental Health Awareness Week (UK)
Mental Health Month (USA & Worldwide)
World Day for Cultual Diversity for dialogue & Development
during May presenting
Embace Dancing special
Discover more
Select the links below and visit the information pages below on supporting each awareness events this month. It contains events information, each event current theme, support statements, projects to explore and links to reccomended organisations