Despite the difficulties a person can live with there are many who are positive role models and achievers. A person with hidden differences (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety) can also be beneficial to others to share their experiences and expertise with others with similar difficulties in a variety of ways. Not only that hidden can educate the rest of society to make sure the communities and other environments can be fair and equal for everyone. This is not only about hidden differences in sharing and providing guidance but also the rest of society needs to listen more and to judge less. This means being open-minded, patient and less presumptuous.
Factors to consider
Here are some examples of how differences are beneficial to those with similar difficulties and a fairer society.
Consider individuals with differences and look at the potential areas which enhance any solutions to improve objectives
Provide useful insight to consider potential changes to guidelines and services which can prevent a compromising situation
Improve better experiences for everyone
Improve efficient experiences and services
Enhance sustainability
Bring the best out of everyone
Competence advantage
Which can benefit staff, volunteers, community groups, customers and service users
To enhance a vibrant and diverse environments
To enhance diversity and better representations to communities and other environments
With the examples mentioned above, a person with hidden differences can approach the examples above and more. Good practice can be developed in a variety of ways along with specialised areas, generalised summary the bigger perspective. However, this is not just for situations & ideas for the short term but also for the long term & on an ongoing basis.
This is based on Unique insights and specific experiences which others have either not noticed, ignored or have initially rejected without seeing the potential which can be beneficial.
Sharing good practices can lead to embracing forward-thinking solutions & suggestions (no matter how unusual & or initially unrealistic)
The Benefits of Sharing Good Practice
The greater picture of hidden differences sharing best practices can lead to the following
Reduced boundaries
A role model with hidden differences can be beneficial for those with similar difficulties with valuable insight which reduce the boundaries and obstacles in coping with different situations and can improve access opportunities.
More positive role models
This a reminder to society that the greater amount of role models and achievers share their great practice means any amount of stigma can be dramatically reduced. This can cause a positive effect to all hidden differences when being seen in society.
The Challenges
Being aware of obstacles which can get in the way of sharing practices
Best Practice Guides & Tips
Guidance information to how sharing best practice can be reality
Important information
The information featured within the Good Practice project only applies to certain people with hidden differences with qualities such as being self-aware and self-conscious. Also, they are attempting to be just the adjustable, take responsibility and be considerate to others.
This means that this project does not apply to hidden differences that are the opposite of the qualities mentioned.