A seclection of specialised projects in supporting events related to the Mental Health It incluldes projects featured on the Events+ Showcase blog, Plus Value Awareness insight blog and on the exclusive projects linked with the feature Diverse Differences.
Plus, other insights and articles not related to supporting events.
Explore by selecting the links below
Blog: Break the parellel approach to mental health
Remove the barriers when hidden differences face mental health & Anxiety
Blog: Stop the closed mindset
Listening to ground level voices with open minds
Blog: Mental Health is not an excuse for Shaming
It is never acceptable to shame a person when experencing Mental Health
Blog: Treat hidden differences fairly
It is exxential to treat hidden differences fairly when experencing mental health
Useful links
To view more these and other project visit the following links below
Diverse Differences Exclusive
A specialised family of projects linked with the empowering online feature
Events+ Showcase blog on Tumblr
Focused article linked with supporting different awareness events
Plus Value Awareness insight blog on Tumblr
Providing an additional awareness insight and analysis articles to the general projects presented online.