Awareness Apr info

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Awareness in April special
Feature Information
Awareness in April special is a family pop-up mini features focusing on supporting a number of awareness events during the month of April while sharing some of the specific content from this awareness initiative projects & features.

This awareness initiative has developed specialised content to support World Autism Awareness Day every year since 2008. 

It is based on specific features during other period of the year including during May, June October, November, presenting special online content to support specific awareness events within a specific month. This feature is part of Diverse Differences the empowerment and showcase feature.

Awareness April in 2021
The April special incluldes the specific specials for Autitsic Spectrum and Stress.

Autism Awareness Special
For the 13th year this awareness inititaive is showing its online support for World Autism Awareness Day with the Autism Special Feature including specialised version of projects and campigns customised for the autism. Including Autism Achievers and Advantage. New forn 2021 two additional projects "Elements of Value" and "Value & Dignity". The autism special feature also supports World Autism Awareness Week, Autism Acceptance Day, World Autism Awareness Month, Autism Acceptance Month 

Stress Awareness Special
For supporting Stress Awareness Month the Stress Awareness special incluldes extracts from projects includles "Don't Underestimate" related to Mental Health and specific elements of the project "Value is"

See below for details
on the events during April

29th March - 4th April

2nd April
1st - 30th April

1st - 30th April

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 Awareness in April index

This feature is part of diverse differences the special feature which support different awareness events related to hidden differences. Also the features showcases a special version of featured projects and campaigns which empowers differences as well as reminding the importance a smarter sense of value.

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