value is inclusion

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This project element has transferred to the project Inclusive Differences

Visit inclusive differences
It is important to involve people with hidden differences as part of an inclusive member of society alongside other members of society. Also, do not use their difficulties to exclude or to divide them.
Background Information

Due to misperceptions, a person with hidden differences can be seen as different from everybody else. 
It does have to be like this. 

They have the right to be included and need to not use the difficulties to be wrongly excluded & divided from everybody else.

If you take time to understand them & know their strengths and capabilities on what they can do with confidence they can be loyal and treat your family, friends communities. If you support their strengths and show you're appreciated to them they will eventually do the same to you. 

Main points

See them as an inclusive over of society without seeing them as the person with a particular difficulty or the associated condition diagnosis or the misperception (if examples are they come across as slightly slower)

Just like the rest of society, they are also consumers. Voters, customers and society participants

Avoid drawing attention to their labelled or difficulties or stereotypes and misperceptions

Not use a person difficulties to sideline, alienate or to separate them separate them

Value & encourage their goals & ambitions & never use jealously or curiosity to test their ability capabilities, to test their feeling or anything else to cause harm to their place in society
Please click on the pop-up button links below for tips & how you can get involved

Important project changes

Please note that this project element has now transfered to a new stand-alone project online. It is called "Inclusive Differences" which explore more on the importance of inclusivity.

Visit the Inclusive Differences to explore

Inclusive Differences

Keep updated via the Plus Value Awareness Social Media channels

More information to be added here along with a series of guides & factsheet. If you have additional suggestions for this project get in touch via social media on Twitter & Facebook.

If you are interested in this project to featured for your community, organisation or society this get in touch by filling into the contacts form
The description “Invisible Difficulties” are used for this initiative which covers independent, intelligent and articulate adults and young people who live with specific difficulties which as hidden and would not be visually obviously at first impression. The examples including memory, on the spot thinking ability, communication, reading, writing & calculation. These example above mainly relates certain people with Autism (at moderate and high-functioning level), ADHD, Social Anxiety, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. Click here for more details.
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