value is expressions

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Value is...
Expressions & experience heard & respected

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Regardless of the type of difficulty an independent person has the expressions & insight must be heard and taken seriously at face value.
Background Information

When society sees or have contacts with an independent person with an invisible difficulty and notice how articulate they are & how they exercise their dignity. However, it can lead to negatives situations against them, even though they have done anything wrong.

This Includes accusations of coming across as rude, disruptive and see them as a threat. Then it can lead to the attack of their character with comments of "they are coming across too smart for their own good". Further down the line leads to greater obstacles when are automatically disbelieved, not taken seriously enough, use their difficulties to doubt their intelligence. Also, they can be made to feel their expressions are delusional & and unfairly made to be under suspicion.

Unfair intolerance & impatient attitudes can occur if a person with invisible difficulties may struggle to articulate certain points, therefore, takes a little longer to get the point. Unfairly they are then get provoked to be unfairly frustrated, anxious and be into emotional despair with the expressions suppressed due to being impatiently spoken over and not letting them finish on what they saying.

Another thing many people do towards a person with invisible difficulty is to address their experiences with make comparisons with them & everybody else. Despite the intention to widen a person with difficulties too in context or perspective from everyone else, it can backfire to make them feel inadequate or to undermine them.

In addition, if a person with invisible difficulties with the other person doesn't understand or simply do want to understand then a person, invisible difficulty tends to be on the receiving end of awkward questioning. 
For examples, if a person with difficulties face abuse and seeking help, they recovery unfair responses such as "What do you expect us to do?" or ask unhelpful questions why do you think this happens to you. This kind of attitudes and responses can make a person with difficulty made to feel they a nuisance, a burden and a waste of other peoples time.
Main points

* Let them complete what they want to say
* Don't use their differences to suppress their expressions or feelings no matter how impatient or frustrated you are
* Never overrule their communications
* Do not criticise or correct on how they speak or communicate
* If you need to conclude their point do not attack their character and ask kindly mention it taking long to grasp and ask what is the main conclusion of their expression.
* If you are stress or have limited time remind them kindly. Such as sorry I have cannot able to listen to this in too much detail.
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More information to be added here along with a series of guides & factsheet. If you have additional suggestions for this project get in touch via social media on Twitter & Facebook.

If you are interested in this project to featured for your community, organisation or society this get in touch by filling into the contacts form
The description “Invisible Difficulties” are used for this initiative which covers independent, intelligent and articulate adults and young people who live with specific difficulties which as hidden and would not be visually obviously at first impression. The examples including memory, on the spot thinking ability, communication, reading, writing & calculation. These example above mainly relates certain people with Autism (at moderate and high-functioning level), ADHD, Social Anxiety, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. Click here for more details.
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