expressions tips

for the general public & the rest of society

* Let the person express or to articulate their point bearing in mind it may take longer to articulate their point.

* if you have a limited time window, just kindly promote before that person speaks or say a set time limit and they will respect you for this. For examples "I only have 5 or minutes to talk" for example. Never make prompt while expressing as you are likely to create pressures against them especially at short notice.

* You have sometimes have accept the facts that there's a disagreement with what a person with invisible difficulties share. Never use the disagreements to overrule or to discredit their point or use their difficulties to criticise them. They will likely to have no trust with you & could not to share certain issues with or turn to you for your expertise or experience due to they you make them feel in the first place

The information above is a summary information of tips & suggestions.
Further information to added and to be developed further featuring different focus life groups including a version for people with invisible difficulties. In addition a more detailed guides & factsheet to be available for print & digital formats (optimised for desktop or mobile & tablets)

In addition this project can be customised with a series of a more detailed materials on a form of guides, facts sheet and detailed guidelines can be developed as service within 8 focused life group areas. 

If you feel this and other projects can benefit your business, organisation, community or a public service please get in touch on the enquiry form over on the Plus Value Enterprise website.
Please state your name, job position, organisation and how will the project can benefit you

The focus group areas is made up of 8 sections
Including: Business, Community, Relationships, Public Services, Education & Work, Government related services, Society and people with invisible difficulties.
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