value is dignity

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Dignity Respected

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Exercising dignity and human rights is an important defence mechanism for a person with dignity for a person with hidden differences to maintain their sense of value and to avoid instability which can harm their well being

Background Information

Everyone has a right to maintain their dignity and human rights. However wrong attitudes can occur and can use a specific invisible difficulty a person may have to deny or to violate their dignity without releasing the harm that the wrong action is causing. 

Because of misperception an independent, articulate and intelligent adults & young people can be unfairly discredited who has a number of moderate difficulties. This can lead to certain attitudes including not being allowed to exercise the same amount of dignity as everyone else.

They can be made should be ordered to do certain things (which will not be helpful or to cause harm to their circumstances) or to be obedient to what a person says who don't have invisible difficulties. To many these ideas not only is belittling but undermining them as independent person. One of the other problems is a person gets the feelings & expressions suppressed and get challenged on how they feel or been made to conform to what they expect you to perceived as.

* it is important the dignity is protected to maintain their sense of value, stability and well being. Undermining their dignity is not only causing to their place in society but also their well-being.

Whether you may not like it or not they have the right to choose, decide or be happy or any, upset intolerant sad or annoyed.
Main points

A person with hidden differences has the right to be

* happy 

* Unhappy or upset

* annoyed

* intolerant (if they are treated unfairly)

* exercised 

* sociable (not let anyone use the misperception of their difficulties to silence them)

* Choose

* make their own preferences.

* challenge things if something is not right

* to choose their taste or preferences (even if you don't approve )

* To change is their mind (Not use their difficulties to attack their character)

* To make mistakes and to have the space to develop their approach to learn from any mistakes and should not be made to feel upset, uneasy, ashamed or be pressurised

Refrain from responding hostile or procreate when a person with invisible difficulty is exercising their dignity.
Never orderer patronise them how they should feel
Never challenge or scrutinise them over their feelings or dignity
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More information to be added here along with a series of guides & factsheet. If you have additional suggestions for this project get in touch via social media on Twitter & Facebook.

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The project element "Dignity" is linked with
A primary awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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The description “Invisible Difficulties” are used for this initiative which covers independent, intelligent and articulate adults and young people who live with specific difficulties which as hidden and would not be visually obviously at first impression. The examples including memory, on the spot thinking ability, communication, reading, writing & calculation. These example above mainly relates certain people with Autism (at moderate and high-functioning level), ADHD, Social Anxiety, Dyspraxia and Dyslexia. Click here for more details.
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