dignity tips

for the general public & the wider society

Never use their difficulties to unndermind their dignity, expressions or feelings. Ignoring this important point can be damaging with that person and are likely to show no respect to you and may not be tolerance to have anything to do with you. Around when you need them for anything you need. 

* If a person with an invisible difficulty becomes different than normal to a level they unusually annoyed never need to tell you something critical which cause them upset and are still emotional.  Let them say what they need to say without create an argument. Never lecture on how they perceived, how they are feeling or to patronise them better on how the usually are. They will see this as undermine their dignity & their sense of value.  A person with invisible difficulties should never live to be a certain level to please others or to conform to other people with certain difficulties are perceived.

Respecting their dignity is an important tool to dealing with many situations. 

One of examples if they might be picked on in the public and may react angry especially if their experiences to become too excessive. Never tell them off or patronise them especially in the pubic. Not only you are embarrassing them, you could perceived as take the sides against them especially when the bully are not challenge from the offence and can be likely to only to get away with their behaviour could use this to repeat the repeat and to escalate this further & to harm their place in society. 

Extra point
If you need to talk about what happened if something you feel went wrong, do not communicate to them in a telling them off manner or to use this a as bigger debate against them. Instead asking questions on whats happen and why made them to become feel like this and give suggestive advice and also mention they might not agree but it might be useful in the future. When you give the suggestion months when they can make notes if they struggle the remember the details on what you are saying. In the the long term they may give you appreciation.

The information above is a summary information of tips & suggestions.
Further information to added and to be developed further featuring different focus life groups including a version for people with invisible difficulties. In addition a more detailed guides & factsheet to be available for print & digital formats (optimised for desktop or mobile & tablets)

In addition this project can be customised with a series of a more detailed materials on a form of guides, facts sheet and detailed guidelines can be developed as service within 8 focused life group areas. 

If you feel this and other projects can benefit your business, organisation, community or a public service please get in touch on the enquiry form over on the Plus Value Enterprise website.
Please state your name, job position, organisation and how will the project can benefit you

The focus group areas is made up of 8 sections
Including: Business, Community, Relationships, Public Services, Education & Work, Government related services, Society and people with invisible difficulties.
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