Transform Excellence

This new special feature is part of an evolving strategy for Plus Value Awareness. It is designed to celebrate the positivity of role models & achievers in communities and society. 

The new feature aims is to embrace the positivity on those living with hidden differences and anyone who supports and empowers a person with differences, making a positive difference forward in society and the outside world.

Why is it important
To enable a positive sense of value it is important to recognise & to celebrate individuals, groups and organisations who is making positive examples for differences a positive sense of value

This is developed with a number of ways which is linked with the three primary awareness features.
Click on the title links below to view expanded information
  • Value All Excellence Mark

    This is to celebrate specific role models or team who have enabled support or empowering differences in Society. Regardless of if the role model lives with differences or not. 

    How does it work? 

    This awareness initiative will select a specific role model who is an individual, a team or an organisation and to present them a special certificate and a special recognition feature online.

  • Valued More Excellence Mark

    This is to celebrate specific role models or team who have enabled support or empowering differences in Society. This is regardless of if the role model lives with differences or not. 

    How does it work? 

    This awareness initiative will select a specific role model who is an individual, a team or an organisation and to present them a special certificate and a special recognition feature online

  • Value icon Achievers

    As part of the Excellence feature this awareness initiative will have an online information  listing names of positive achievers who live with hidden differences. This is presented as an online achiever's list which displays names broken into six category areas. 

    Professional and selected occupation

    Managers and entrepreneurs

    Arts and music

    Entertainment and media


    Community and politics

    This will be developed on an occasional basis.

    in the meantime, you can view a summary version of this new projest titled diverse achievers which is fair available now that the special feature diverse differences.

    Click here to view Diverse Achievers

  • Value Icon Excellence Mark

    In addition, this feature will present to a specific person from the achievers lists a certified value icon achiever certificate with a special recognition feature online. This will be developed on an occasional basis.

    The main version of this project will be available online in the future in the meantime a special online review called Diverse Achievers is now available to view by are the special feature of diverse differences. 

    Click here to view diverse achievers.

  • Combined Excellence Mark

    This is to highlight someone who has been awarded more than one achiever it role model recognition within the excellence family

    How does it work? 

    This awareness initiative will select a specific role model who is an individual, a team or an organisation and to present them a special certificate and a special recognition feature online.

This excellence feature will be developed in the future.
Keep updated by following Plus Value Awareness on social media.

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