Home > Projects > Positive Value > Awareness Elements > Challenging Attitudes
Challenge conventional aspects of understanding and pay more attention to the human aspects and not stereotypical assumptions
It is essential to move away beyond the conventional approach of generalised assumptions, support, medical treatments and interventions. Respecting a person with differences place in society as a citizen as a starting point. In addition, listening and pay greater attention to the ground level experiences. There are so many examples of different life experiences and insights some unique and other experiences are shared. However, everyone must discourage generalisation and simplistic broad-brush assumptions. Because kind of difficulties differs from person to person, even with the same condition.
This is why we must avoid using their a person's difficulties by dismissing what they are communicating. and sharing.
Also we need to confront attitudes to discouragement of attitudes of fixing and stop the negative presumptions. A person with hidden differences is not an automatic problem or a liability to communities and society. Patience, open mind and showing greater interest with judgement is the essential ingredient in valuing hidden differences.
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Developed for over 20 years a special family of projects focusing on challenging conventional awareness & challenging attitudes
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