Positive Value Factors

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This project is based on the key essentials which everyone needs to be aware of towards valuing and embracing hidden differences. 

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1. Look beyond a person's Differences

We need to look beyond generalisation or negative assumptions linked with stereotypes and generalisations.

2. Not use perceptions & vanity to penalise hidden differences

Everyone needs to move away from stereotypes and typecasting to trivialise or disrespect a person with differences. A reminder this is not bad parenting or a discipline matter

3. Respect dignity & human rights

To enable a person with differences to maintain their stability and their place in society. Everybody needs to respect a person with hidden differences in human rights and dignity. 

4. Respecting hidden differences attempts to be adjustable & considerate

We must respect the effort of a person with differences who attempted to be adjustable, adaptable and socially considerate to others. 

5. Celebrate good practice and positive achievements

Look at the positives aspects of hidden differences with positive achievers and role models. We need to also embrace differences to share good practices with others with similar difficulties and life experiences.

6. To empower and encourage positive qualities

We need to embrace positive strengths and positive attributes. Also the importance of equal access to a variety of life opportunities which an average person would take for granted.

7. Change and challenge perceptive attitudes

Looking beyond how a person with differences appear and focus more on the person and their insight, context and perspectives. Also, we need to stand up against generalising or stereotypes to define a person with differences.

8. Valuing Hidden Differences generally

Within the principal areas of this awareness initiative. These include dignity, integration and inclusion, participation, well represented, responsibility and adjustment.

Visit the project "Element of Value" for more details


Discover more of the Positive Value project

Positive Value index Information page Awareness Elements


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