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This introductory Project starts the exploration with the human aspects of understanding, valuing and embracing hidden differences beyond perceptions, stereotypes and presumptions. It is essential to have a balanced knowledge of what can be possible if we value a person with differences.

Positive Value is based on the key factors:

* Look beyond a person's differences and not use perceptions to define them

* Not used vanity to punish a person's difficulties and existence

* Respecting the dignity and human rights

* Value a person with hidden differences attempts to be adjustable and adaptable

* To celebrate good practice and positive achievements

* To empower and encourage positive qualities of a person's differences

* Change and challenge attitudes of perceptions

* Valuing hidden differences generally 

Also, as part of this project, a family of awareness elements which encourages to explore the projects and features as part of this awareness initiative.

More will be added to the Positive Value in the future. Keep updated with this project via social media. Details are near the bottom of this page.

Explore the detailed overview below as a starting point


There are so many social issues that are addressing around the world.

Climate change, equality and speaking up against discrimination against women, LGBT and racism. However, we must not ignore the context and insight of hidden differences.

With society and the world is ever changing and evolving, we need to be smarter and forward-thinking in how we think, judge and treat hidden differences. 

Simply focusing on understanding, perceptive judgements and support is not necessarily appropriate and can be seen as patronising and missing the point. Especially when some members of society are fatigued and in some cases closed-minded. This is why many people with differences face many obstacles and are wrongly excluded.

What doesn't help is stereotypes, medical references and one-sided perceptions based on what was featured as news stories, articles and negative generalisation from specific influential individuals causes a distorted perception.

This can affect a person with differences based on how are profiled and judged based on the information mentioned.

This has to change

For a fairer society and to bring the best out of everyone.

 We need to be inclusive of hidden differences and not use ignorance to cause rejection and exclusions.

Also, pay more attention to the human aspects of hidden differences and respect their place in society.

This means moving away from the judge & jury attitudes along with the "them & us" mindset which divides some people with differences from society.

Also, embracing hidden differences towards a positive sense of value. 

This is why the positive value was created. It is a starting point for addressing the awareness factors and elements to discover and explore.

Beyond understanding, treatment & intervention

We must go beyond understanding, treatment & intervention towards hidden differences linked with the Autistic Spectrum, ADHD Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety.

The kind type of difficulties a person lives with varies from person to person. So it is essential to listen to a person with differences, getting to know the insight and context of their experiences. This is essential against generalised presumptions.

Regardless of any perceptions, hidden differences are humans, citizens and is part of society and to move away from a medical issue. This should be a starting point to start the process of valuing hidden differences.

The Approach

A person's hidden differences is not an issue of parenting, discipline or lack of standards. Hidden differences are about a different kind of specific skills or abilities they are born with it, they can't choose to get rid of it and it's not curable. It means they have a limitation of specific abilities and coping mechanisms and it can affect specific climates, environments and expectations beyond what is manageable compared to an average person.

Also, the overall approach is not always about support and intervention. 

A person with differences have specific life experiences and insight. Due to life challenges with their difficulties, some people with differences can many boundaries and obstacles compared with the rest of society. Unfortunately, the experiences from differences can be ignored and Underestimated. This is where misinterpretation occurs.

This is why we need to move away from old fashioned attitudes associated with characteristics, perceptions, parenting and discipline issues 

A person's difficulties can affect how they cope with specific climates, environments and any expectations beyond what is manageable compared to an average person.

Against presumptions

As mentioned elsewhere a person with hidden differences lives with a limitation of abilities and coping mechanisms. However, the kind of difficulties can vary from person to person.

Because of their unique experiences, there is no such thing as the generalisation on how a person with differences live their lives. This is why it is never acceptable to generalise hidden differences with any presumptions.

As well as the difficulties, a person with differences also have a family of strengths and positive attributes. 

So, in summary, Hidden differences is not a disease or a form of characteristics trait.

The way forward

For positive ways forward for a person with hidden differences, we must look beyond, support, treatments & interventions.

We need to value hidden differences as humans, citizens and a member of society. We need hidden differences as participants and citizens. So everyone needs to support, value & to embrace hidden differences within the five principle areas:


Inclusion & integration


Well represented

Responsibility and adjustments

Explore more on a positive sense of value by visiting the project "Elements of Value"


Watch out for more for the positive value project

* The Plus Value Awareness pledge is coming soon, which enables everyone to participate. 

* A family of Key voices on the importance of valuing differences based on this projects key factors and elements and a lot more.


More from the Positive Value project


The key essentials which everyone needs to be aware of towards valuing & embracing hidden differences. 



Explore the five elements in valuing hidden differences linked with features of the this awareness initiative



Find out how you can access this project for your community, organisation and support groups

The Access page


Spread the word and share to your friends, family, workmates, education colleagues and other contacts on social media and online the importance of positive value towards hidden differences.

Watch out for extracts from the Positive Value project via Plus Value Awareness profiles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

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