5+20 Month February

Double Anniversary Special
A Month in History: February
Please note the information on this page features the original brand names "Differences & Autism Challenge" which is now rebranded "Differences Originals" after the original name was used for offensive video trends on TikTok.
A look a specific developments during the month February within 20 years
The start of the first major project. The Asperger's Syndrome Survey developed during National Autistic Society 40 anniversary year with their events a lack response of the lack of representatives or participation of anyone with autism during their anniversary year at the time. A number of printed surveys was developed.Thus was distributed to a particular activity group in Birmingham which initially expanded to other parts of the west midlands metropolitan areas and the rural counties in the region. Then later in the year, the survey was expanded beyond the West Midlands region to other selected areas of mainland Britain. Including East Midlands, London, Central Scotland, The Home Counties, East Anglia and the South Coast with further involvement with several regional charities in other areas.
Developing the Brighter Future project into a family of designs with converting the main design (featured on a national autistic society publication) into a digital art design.
The online content for the fundamental awareness brands Differences Autism Challenge was transferred to the Plus Value Awareness website after a 7-month gap offline
Explore further examples
A special feature celebrating 5 years of Plus Value Awareness and 20 years of Differences Originals
Month in History History in order Women Inspirations Special Year Preview
The Double Anniversary Special is connected with
Now in its 20th year, a special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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