5+20 Month May

Double Anniversary Special
A Month in History: May
Please note the information on this page features the original brand names "Differences & Autism Challenge" which is now rebranded "Differences Originals" after the original name was used for offensive video trends on TikTok.
A historical look a specific developments during the month May within 20 years
The information Awareness feature expanded with the content on Mental Health & Depression
Two awareness projects & campaigns were created.
Don't demonise people with autism is a campaign to stop blaming an autistic person for existing.
Avoid the easy response is a digital art project highlighting attitudes towards a person with differences over different scenarios.

An online feature was developed initially on a trial basis. Diverse Differences Special was to develop to support a family of awareness events during the spring season because of the successful feedback social media became a permanent feature a few months later.

The events the feature supported including Neurodiversity Celebrations Week, Mental Health Awareness Week, Loneliness Aawareness Week and World Autism Awareness Day. As part of the same feature new showcase project was launched including Diverse Advantage & Diverse Achievers

Diverse Achievers was launched online as a preview of a future detailed project which lists names of key achievements who live with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and social anxiety. 

With supporting Loneliness awareness week a new showcase project was launched. "Combating Loneliness" was developed to address how Loneliness & isolation can occur and how solution and positive forward must be relevant to the person's affect and not the general approach.

The orginal awareness brands and the special online feature Differences & Autism Challenge changed its name to Differences Orginals after the autism challenge name was used negatively on the social media platform TikTok with a trend of horifying and offesntive videos which discriminated agsinat autsitic people. So the name change was made and to distant itself from that online stigma.

A diverse Differences feature has developed combined online special for May related to Mental Health, Loneliness, PDA and for the firse time cultrual Diversity to support the events PDA Day, Mental Health Week and World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue & Development

The colour pallete used for cutsomised projects for autitsic sprectrum was changed after esclating expression on the use of of the blue a presented as dehumanising. To this awareness inititaive responded with a change of the colours to turquoise and yellow. Click here for details

Explore further examples
A special feature celebrating 5 years of Plus Value Awareness and 20 years of Differences Originals
Month in History History in order Women Inspirations Special Year Preview
The Double Anniversary Special is connected with
Now in its 20th year, a special awareness element of the Plus Value Awareness family

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